The tour

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Siever's POV

I woke early and quickly packed a suitcase. I had read on their website that workers stayed in the building. Which meant I had time to investigate and find Lylia while I was staying there.

The drive there was about three hours, so I stopped at a gas station and bought some redbull. I just hoped that nobody caught me on my lie while I was there. That was the last thing I wanted to happen, get caught, thrown in some holding cell or basement, and tortured. Of course I could be over exaggerating a bit.

Once I was hyped up on energy drink, I started the long drive. I used my phone as a GPS and turned on the radio. I am one of those people that can't sit in silence for long periods of time. If I do, I get nervous and fidgety.

I sang along to the radio having fun. Then finally I pulled into the parking lot of the research facility. I was amazed at how big it was, there was three stories and the doors were glass. There were two giant griffen statues, I read one of the plaques on them. "Science is worth the sacrifice to make anything possible."

I walked into the lobby which had a few plush chairs and a desk with black marble top. The man behind the counter was on the phone and when he saw me he held his hand up to say, "one minutes please." I waited by the desk until he was done.

"Sorry sir but someone is here.Ok I'll make sure to check on that later." He hung up and turned to me. "So you must be the new guy." I nodded my head. "Ok if you will follow me I'll show you to your room so you can drop your bag off."

He led me up a set of stairs to the third floor. "This is the housing floor." I followed him down the hall to a door with the number 142 on it. "This will be your room." He handed me a card with a number on it. "And this is your code to the door."

I looked at the numbers then typed them into the key pad. The door slid open. In the room there was a dark wood dresser, a bed with white sheets and a comforter, a closet with hangers and two work suits, and a desk with a swivel chair and a laptop on it. "They give their workers all of this?"

"Yes it is to help move in faster so you can get to work right away."

I dropped my bag in the floor by the bed and followed him out of the room. The door slid closed behind us. He led me to the testing floor, "this is the testing floor, where new products and chemicals are tested." Then he took me to the first floor. "And this is the experimenting floor, where you figure out new compounds and other stuff." We stopped back at the desk in the lobby. "But just remember that any floor below us new recruits are not allowed." He rummaged through the desk and pulled out a ID card. "We don't use pictures for our ID cards, you will start out on the experimenting team first then move up in rank." He called in a guy that was thin and lean.

"This is Sebastian, he will show you the reins."

"Hi." Sebastian held out his hand for me to shake. "You must be the new recruit."

"Hi, I'm Siever." I shook his hand then mentally slapped myself. Why did I use my actual name!

He showed me around the lab giving me tips here and there. I kept searching for any sign of Lylia, but I didn't see any. She must be on one of the lower floors where I wasn't allowed. But one thing I was going to have to sneak down there to find her.

"If you need any help you can usually find me in my room or my own personal lab." He handed me a paper with a number. "That's my room number, and my lab is in the back right of the lobby." I nodded and he left me to learn the ropes. I wasn't exactly sure what I was suppose to be found so I went to my room. I already memorized the code and once in my room I flopped on the bed. I didn't realize I was do tired until then. I needed a nap so I let sleep over take me.


Lylia's POV

I woke from my wonderful nap in a comfy bed, feeling refreshed. I hadn't slept that good for years. I really didn't look forward to going back into that dark, dank room. If I was going to escape it had to be within the next few days.

And the first part of my escape plan, was to convince that man to help me. It should be late afternoon so hopefully I won't have to wait long. I moved the wooden dragon in my hands, looking over all the details. It was the first present I had gotten in years, well I know it wasn't a present, but I decided it was. I used to love getting presents especially on Christmas, but now presents were like gifts from god to me.

Suddenly the door opened and I sat up, my heart pounding. I put a hand to my chest to calm down as the man came in.

"Sorry if I scared you." He closed the door and took his jacket off. He threw the jacket on the chair and sat on the end of the bed. "The new recruit arrived today, he seemed to be searching for something." He sighed and fell back on the bed his head landing on my lap. "Oh sorry" he was about to sit up but I held his head down.

"It's fine." I smiled at him as I started massaging his head.

"Ok." He sighed and I noticed how tired he looked. "Today was exhausting, I had to teach the newbie, then I had a ton of paperwork. And that feels amazing."

"Why thank you." I laughed as he closed his eyes enjoying my massage. "You know, you never told me your name."

"Oh, I'm Sebastian."

"Nice to meet you Sebastian, I'm Lylia. It's nice to meet someone friendly here."

"There are others like me, but they aren't allowed i the lower floors." He opened his eyes to look at me. And I met his hazel eyes as my hands massaged through his soft brown hair.

"What do you mean?"

"The floors underground are only open to higher ranked people, and to security."

"Can you tell me why they are keeping me here?" His eyes widened at my question.

He blew out a breath. "Alright, but I'm not suppose to, so don't tell anyone."

"Who would I tell anyway?" I shrugged.

"Good point. Ok so from what I heard, your parents worked here years ago. And when they left they stole a bunch of valuable chemical compounds. The boss wasn't too happy so he sent them a letter that if they didn't give them back he would take something valuable from them. He waited for one year and they still hadn't brought it back. So he found out where they lived and that they had a daughter, you."

He sighed then continued. "He decided to wait for a few more years, but grew impatient. Finally he sent some of his men to your house, they left a note and waited for your parents and you to get home. Then they attacked, they asked your parents one final time for the items, then killed them. They found you and took you to several hidden stops until they arrived here. Then he started experimenting in you, and that's all I know." He searched my eyes for any signs that I would freak out.

I leaned over and kissed him, I felt him stiffen with shock. When I pulled away I gave him a small smile. "Thank you for telling me."

He lifted his head and turned over on the bed. He crawled closer to me and kissed me. I wasn't sure how to get him to help me, but I guess seducing him could be an option.

He pulled away. "Sorry about that." He scratched the back of his head. "Well I'm going to take a shower, yeah, ok" he got up and went into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

Seducing him seemed to be a good option, it made him nervous and excited, which made it easier to convince him to help me. But one thing this was certainly going to be interesting. I snuggled under the blankets and waited for him to get out of the shower.

Once he was out and dressed I scooted over and patted the bed beside me.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and he climbed under the covers. I snuggled up next to him enjoying the warmth. It had been nine years since I had felt the warmth of another person. And I didn't want to not feel it ever again, it was just too comforting. I closed my eyes and fell asleep happily for the first time in a long time.

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