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Nylia's POV

I looked over Draygarth once more, then I eyed the path in the fog. It appeared to be a normal path, but there was a deep sinister feeling to it. I straightened my back and walked forward to be in front of him. He lowered his arm and followed me down the path, but kept a few feet back.

The path grew darker the farther we walked and I kept glancing into the fog. I was just waiting for something to jump out. But so far nothing had happened yet. After awhile though a fog barrier blocked our path. I looked up at it cautiously, but Draygarth just walked past me into it. I stood mouth agape. Was he crazy or just stupid? We have no idea what could be on the other side and yet he just goes ahead like it's nothing.

When I didn't hear anything from him. I took a small step into the fog. I came out on into the area I was before I flew to the center of the reverse world. But how could that be? the trip had taken longer than our short walk.

"We better hurry and wake Lylia, while Sebastian still sleeps." I snapped my gaze to Draygarth.

"How do you know he is asleep? Or that Lylia is asleep?" I eyed him as red flags popped up in my head.

"I spoke to her before going to find you. And my reverse self is presently stuck with Sebastian." He tilted his head a little. "Anything else you would like to know?"

"No." I waved his question away. "Let's just find Lylia."

"How shall we wake her when we arrive?" He asked casually.

"We'll think of it when we get there. And why do you speak so formally, Siever doesn't speak like that does he?"

"No he does not. But as I have told Lylia, Sebastian's experiments on Siever has caused a few... changes,  to occur in myself."

"Ok, whatever let's just go." I held up a hand before he could speak again. The way he spoke seemed to hide something he didn't want anyone to see. Or maybe I was over thinking things.


Lylia's POV

In my sleep I felt the pull of Nylia nearing and I sat up, instantly awake. Maybe she had figured out how to escape from here. I rushed to the bathroom but kept the light off since it would obscure my vision until my eyes adjusted.

Aside from my changed reflection ( which was Nylia) there stood Draygarth. He had a look of indifference on his face, and it made him have a rugged sexy look. I shook my head and focused on Nylia.

"Did you figure it out?" I leaned closer getting excited.

"Yes I did." She leaned closer to the glass and motion for me to do the same. Once I was close enough she quietly whispered, "I don't know why, but I have a feeling that we shouldn't let him know." She motioned slightly to Draygarth. "I don't trust him." she narrowed her eyes as she looked back at him. "There is something... different about him. And I don't like it."

"Ok, so what should we do?" I couldn't help but watch Draygarth closely as he watched us. He looked indifferent but he also had his head tilted, listening.

"Just like this-" She pointed to her hand then to me. She made a motion of swirling something on her palm. At first I didn't understand, oh! I get it now! I turned on the water and cupped my hand to catch some. I turned away from the mirror and in the little bit of water I held, I swirled it with my other hand. The water started to fall over the sides of my hand and splash onto the floor.

But even though there wasn't much water in my hand, it kept spilling over. A small puddle formed under my feet. The water stopped spilling over my hand and i felt water against my shins. I looked down and gasped, I was sinking into the puddle. I took a deep breath bringing my arms up and dove into the water. The water engulfed me and my eyes opened once I was submerged, everything had an eerie glow to it almost like they gave off energy. I swam to the surface and took a breath, immediately going into a coughing fit. The air was thicher and it gave me a choking feeling.

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