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- another chapter from Sebastian hope you guys like it :)

Sebastian's POV

After leaving Lylia back in the room I wandered around the halls, not caring about where I was going. I just went to check on her, but ended up chasing her. I mean it was easy to catch her, but it caused adrenaline to run through my veins. And now I felt restless and anxious. I needed to take a walk and organize my thoughts. I just couldn't be around anyone right now, if I was then I would probably attack them. It has happened in the past and it could happen again. I managed to have a set time to myself to calm down, but lately I haven't had that time. The others have noticed my restlessness and have kept a safe distance, but I've been around Siever and Lylia a lot lately.

I ran a hand through my hair and walked up the stairs. I typed in the code to open the door and I headed through the main floor. I walked outside and took a deep breath to slow down my heart rate. I decided to walk to the river since it was only about a five minute walk.

I looked at the rushing water,felling as if the water matched the rushing of my blood through my veins. I sat on the bank and took my black boots off then rolled up my jeans. The water felt cold against my feet and helped calm me down.

Once my blood stopped rushing and my heart returned to normal, I thought about my predicament. I was confused about my feelings for Lylia. I didn't think of her as a romantic interest, but for some reason I was protective of her. Even if I was cruel and just plain evil towards her, I wanted to keep her safe. I fell back against the ground, not minding the dirt. I stared at the sky, noticing it was turning dark and I could see clouds in the distance.

Then my mind switched to Siever. I was exhilarated that the serum worked, but I didn't just want to stop with just one experiment. Unlike with Lylia I just used one to help her, but Siever I just wanted to see how many chemicals I could fill his blood with. I have a strange attraction to him almost, like his perfect blood draws me to him.

The first rain drop hit my cheek and it felt cool against my skin. Then it started pouring as I heard thunder in the distance. Suddenly my head became clear and I realized something. When Lylia's parents left my father had been enraged. He never told me why, just said they stole something valuable. Was I protective of her because she and I are related? It was a possibility, but I wasn't sure. It seemed to fit perfectly but I would have to look into it. Then there was how Siever's DNA could accept a mixture of three different serums. It didn't make sense, not yet at least. I needed to examine his DNA closer.

With my set decisions I put my boots back on and unrolled my jeans. I hopped up onto my feet and made my way back to the building. I took my time feeling the rain soak through my clothes and send chills through my spine. Once I stepped into the building my hair and clothes were soaked and water dripped from my hair. I ran a hand through it shaking some of the water out. No one asked me what I was doing outside or where I was, they simply focused on their one tasks. They understood not to bother me for a while. Even if I had calmed down, it could flare up again at the drop of a hat.

I unlocked my bedroom door and walked in. I started taking my wet clothes off not caring if Siever was there.

"What are you doing?" He sounded scared and I smirked at that.

"I'm wet so I'm changing my clothes." I stated as I kicked off my boots. I threw my shirt on the tile floor of the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I dried my hair and face then dropped the towel onto the bed. I looked up and he was sitting on the bed staring at me wide eyed. "Enjoying the view or something?" I raised a brow at him.

"No, just wondering why someone would just strip with a stranger in the room." He scowled.

"Well it is my room." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"So." He crossed his arms also, mocking me.

And just like that the hat had dropped. "Alright fine, piss me off. See what happens, I dare you." I leaned forward glaring at him.

"And what's going to happen? you already gave me a tail and freakin fangs!" He snarled at me menacingly.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed one of the small syringes I had stored just in case. With it clenched in my fist I walked over to him sitting on the bed. He scooted away from me, ready to jump off the bed and run. But I pounced like a cat on a mouse, pinning him beneath me against the bed. I pulled the syringe up in my hand, holding it in front of him. "Do you really think that's all I could do to you?"

"But our deal was only for one." He struggled under me and I pinned his wrists above his head with one hand, keeping the syringe in the other.

"But you are my captive, which means I am in control. And our deal is already over." I grinned as his face went pale. "Now hold still." I wrapped his hands in the blanket and used my knees to hold it down. Then I covered his mouth with my hand as I sank the needle into the sensitive skin of his shoulder. His groan of pain was muffled against my hand. I drew his blood into the syringe then set it aside on the dresser. I leaned over him meeting his wide fear filled eyes. I had the urge to give him more to fear, more reasons to be afraid of me.

I tried to clear my head, to rid myself of the evil thoughts filling it. I hadn't had enough time to fall into my normal state. And now, I wouldn't be able to calm down anytime soon. The last time it happened I had to have my security guards lock me in an empty room. It was one of the side effects of my strength and night vision enhancing serum. I hadn't perfected it before I used it on myself, but it has been showing less and less, though it becomes worse. And it will continue to grow worse until the side effects disappear completely.

I slid my hand under his shirt and his eyes widened further, and he struggled under me. I dug my nails into his side feeling blood well up from the cuts. And when I dragged my nail down his side, he screamed into my hand. I was about to release him, but he bit down hard on my hand his fangs puncturing my skin. I yanked my hand back and growled at him. "You shouldn't have done that. I was going to release you, but not anymore." I grinned and straddled him then gripping the end of his shirt I slid it up. I looked at the cuts I just made, blood dripping down his skin.

I licked the blood off his skin and he squirmed under me. I chuckled deeply at his reaction. This was going to be an interesting day if I didn't gain control of myself soon.


-I hurried to write this chapter for you guys. Hope you like it. Comment if you want me to add something to my story, and tell me how I'm doings so far. And what do you think of the new title?

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