Snooping around

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Siever's POV

I started the morning earlier than the other workers in hopes of finding clues. I poked my head around the corner and carefully made my way down the stairs. Once on the first floor I started looking for a stairway to the lower floors. Since only certain people were allowed on the lower floors, I figured it was the perfect place to start.

I had just flipped through some files on the front desk, when I heard someone. I ducked behind the desk peering around the side of it. Sebastian appeared around the corner and I noticed he was dressed differently than yesterday. He had on a black coat with white designs in the side. And he wore white jeans and black boots.

His boots clicked on the tile as he came closer to the desk. I ducked back behind the desk, afraid he saw me. I heard the sound of a set of keys be dragged off the marble top and the jingle as he walked away. I popped my head up and watched as he walked back behind the stairs. I never thought to look there. I silently followed him, keeping a safe distance. He placed his hand on the wall and part of the wall slid up to reveal a keypad. He quickly typed in the code and the wall opened to reveal a set of stairs.

He started down the stairs, and I hurried through the opening before the door closed. I stopped looking around for a hiding spot, but there wasn't any. I ducked into the shadows just as Sebastian looked back. His eyes scanned over me and I held my breath. He shrugged and turned around. I let out my breath and slowly crept out of the shadows.

The staircase was lit by small lights along the railing. The rest of the stairway was dark and you couldn't see the bottom. I silently followed Sebastian down the stairs, stopping every once in a while to put distance between us. He never looked behind him again but I was still cautious.

Once I finally reached the bottom of the stairs I looked around. The whole floor was dark and there was barely any light, probably so if someone did get down here they couldn't find their way around. I had to keep following Sebastian but with the dark it was easier to hide. He went through hallway after hallway and I wondered where he was going. Then suddenly he stop and knocked on a door. The door opened and he entered then it closed behind him.

I hurried over to it and strained to listen through the door. I wanted to know what he was found down here, and if it had anything to do with Lylia. I crouched next to the door as voice came from it. I could just barely make out what they were saying.

"I have the girl in a safe location until, we can move her again." That voice definitely belonged to Sebastian.

"Yeah and maybe you could get lucky, huh boss." There was loud laughter after that comment. And what did he mean by boss, who was the boss?

"We'll see, she already thinks I'm different than the rest of you. And she let me sleep on the bed with her." The laughter died down.

"For real?" A new voice asked. "I would have thought she would want to stay away from you, cause your the boss who had her kidnapped and he parents killed."

"She doesn't know I'm the boss first off. And second I'm acting like I don't like the way things work here, and I'm being kind to her. Unlike the rest of you." There was laughter but I didn't stay any longer.

Sebastian was the boss, and he was lying to Lylia. If there was anywhere I would find clues, it is definitely in his room. I hurried through the halls and back up the stairs. But as I reached the door I stopped, damn I didn't know the code.

"So...Siever." I spun around to meet Sebastian's hazel eyes. "Did you really think I didn't see you?"

I scratched the back of my head. "I was kind of hoping you didn't."

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