Chapter 2: Moving Away

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Mackenzie's pov
I was shocked. "Why? We're fine here " I say a bit angered by this. "Well I got a new job " My mom said. "What! "I say even more angrily. I didn't want to hear anymore. I ran up to my room. I locked my door. I layed down on my bed and began to cry. I grabbed my phone. I texted Michelle and Sarah

Me- Guys I have bad news.

Misha😝- What is it ?

Sarah🍭- Yeah what is it?

Ma- I am Moving to Florida because my mom has to get a new job 😢.

Misha😝- OMG NOO!

Sarah🍭- NOOOO DON'T GO !

Me- I have no choice. We leave Sunday. I can't even spend tome with you guys since I have to pack all weekend.

I shut my phone off after that and decided to my watch Hunter's YouNow today. I eventually fell asleep.

Time Skip to Sunday

It was the day. We packed everything and sent it to Florida. We were taking a plane to Florida. I hated heights so this was gonna be fun (*note the sarcasm) . I didn't even get to say goodbye to my best friends. I had to wake up early. I took a shower and decided to wear my galaxy shirt, black jeans, and my galaxy vans.

 I took a shower and decided to wear my galaxy shirt, black jeans, and my galaxy vans

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As you can tell I love galaxy things. They are just so beautiful. I put the last few things in my room, into my suitcase. I grabbed my headphones and my phone. I also grabbed my Mac book. I needed it to do help write a story. I am working on an autobiography of my life. I am quite famous on YouTube and, but not as famous as Hunter Rowland. He is just so perfect. That's why I like him so much. I wish we had the money to go to his meet and greets. But we didn't. It doesn't bother me anymore. I grabbed my galaxy wallet and walked down the stairs. "Ready ? " my mom asked. "Ready as I'll ever be " I say sighing. We walk out. I look back at the house I grew up in. I hated leaving this place. I get into the car. I called Michelle and Sarah after I woke up. I said goodbye to them. I decided to take a nap until we got to the airport.

Time Skip (This takes up half of their day to get to the airport)

I am woken up by my mom. "Come on Sweetie time to go " she said. I groaned. I get grumpy when I am woken up. I grabbed my things and got out. We walked inside. The lights practically blinded me. I squint to see through the light. It was a huge airport. We walked to our Plane. It was Flight 7A to Florida. We heard it get called over the intercom. We walked over to the flight attendant and handed her our tickets. We boarded the plane and put our belongings into those cubbies above our heads. I was so tired. I decided to fall asleep again

Time Skip again just because I'm lazy 😛

I woke up when we landed. I was actually feeling a bit more energized than before. We got off and walked outside. We had a taxi waiting for us. We got in. It was now nearly dark outside. We drove to this big house. "Woah" I say in shock. My mom giggled at my response. The driver pulled up to the house. We go out and my dad layed the driver. I saw the moving truck pull up next. They parked the truck. I went inside the new house. I saw a staircase. I walked up it. I opened the first door I saw. It was a dark purple color. There was a huge bed. I put my suit case by the door way. I walked over to the balcony. How in the hell did my parents afford this kind of house.I opened the glass doors to the balcony, the warm breeze hit my face. It felt amazing. I could see a beach really close to here. I lay down on my new bed. The room had another door. I got up and opened it. There was a huge bathroom attached to it. "Wow" I say smiling. I heard people walk into my room. "I see you found your room " My mom said. "It's amazing, but how did you afford it " I asked. "My job payed for it " She said. The movers put my stuff into my room. Then I began put everything away.
I soon finished after 5 hours . My mom and dad finished 3 hours ago. I was exhausted. I fell asleep on my new bed

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