Chapter 13: Brandon

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Mackenzie's pov
I looked over at them. It was Brandon. He was looking down at me, but he sat next to me and his height shrunk a bit since I was taller than him. "Hey Brandon " I said looking back out onto the water. "What's wrong? Why were you crying ?" Brandon asked placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked over at him and saw his concerned look. He looked really upset that I was crying. I quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen and spoke again "That night I was shot by that man, the doctors found something in my DNA" I said looking away from him. "What did they find? " he asked me again. "It's some disease I guess. I can't have children until I found someone who's identical to me, someone who's the love of my life. In my personality and my DNA they have to be similar " I said looking into the water, noticing his reflection. I felt hi wrap his arms around me and embrace me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back. "So how's Hunter? "I asked him, wanting to change the subject. A sad look appeared on Brandon's face, something was wrong at home. "I honestly don't know. He's never home. He's usually off with some girl. He's become a jerk and now I'm scared he's doing things he shouldn't " Brandon said with worry evident in his voice. "Yeah, his girlfriend is a bitch " I said in agreement. "So how's things between you and Cam? ". There was an awkward silence after he said that. I didn't think me and him were going to work anymore, he's overprotective and not in a good way.  "I don't think it'll work out. I might just end it really "I said to him. "Oh"  was all he said. Silence fell between the two of us then kissed my cheek. "Brandon why did you do that " I said. "Because you need a Kiss from a Rowland for good luck, besides your like a big sister to me " He said hugging me. "Thanks Brandon " I said smiling. "No problem " he said. "Want to swim for a bit? "He asked. "Um sure, but I don't have my bathing suit " I said. "Who cares, I'm going in my shorts " He said taking of his shirt. He jumped in splashing me. I removed my shirt. I had on an under shirt. I jumped in too. Me and Brandon messed around. After an hour of messing around I heard a voice say "Kenzie? What are you doing here with Brandon " they said. I turned to see Hunter with that girl next to him. Hunter was smoking and the girl had a beer in her hand. Now I know why Brandon seemed so upset "Just having fun with a friend who cares about my feelings " I said angrily. "Wait you're that bitch from our school. That girl who punched me is your friend "she said. I got out along with Brandon. "No shit " I said to her. She then slapped me, catching me off guard I heard Brandon gasp. I smirked and said "Next time you slap someone, make sure the girl isn't  twice as strong as you " I said before I pushed her into the water. "Hey! "Hunter said trying to helping her. "Tell her to keep her smokey breath away from me and Michelle. And both of you fuck off " I said to them. Hunter grabbed my arm hard. "Don't touch me " I said angrily. "Hunter stop! "Brandon said. Hunter let go once he saw my expression. " Come on Mackenzie, let's leave " Brandon said. We both ran to my house. We went in and were met with a worried Cameron . "Hey babe " Cameron said. "Hey"  I said sadly. Brandon looked at me and nodded. I nodded, knowing it was time to tell him. "Cam can we talk? "I asked. "Sure, why? " he asked. I took him into my room. "Whats up " He said. "Cam I think we should take a break " I said. "What? Why!?"he said. "Cam, this isn't your fault. I just can't handle a relationship right now. Especially after tonight. I still want to be friends Cam " I said. He sighed. "Alright Kenz, I'll respect your wishes, but when every things calmed down, then can we talk ? " he asked with a glint of hope in his eyes. "Maybe"  I said unsure of what I wanted to do. "Okay"  he said hugging me. "Thank you Cam " I said. "No problem. And since everyone except Michelle is leaving tonight, we'll face time every night like we used to " he said. "Michelle's staying? "I asked. "Well her Aunt has a home around here. And her Aunt is letting her stay with her " he said. "AMAZBALLZ! "I said happily. "That's my beautiful girl smiling again " he said. He kissed my cheek "Goodbye Sharpie " he said walking out the door with everyone. "Bye Cammy " I said sadly, I still cared for Cam, but this is for the best.  He left with the others with a sad look on his face. I waved to him as they drove away. "So you two broke up " Michelle said standing behind me. "Yes. But it's for the best " I said resting my head on the wall. She hugged me and I hugged back. "Want to watch a show or something  " she asked. "Sure, let's watch Supernatural " I said. "Yes! "She said happily. Brandon just laughed and he went to go put on the t.v. I went and made popcorn. I grabbed three sodas and the big bowl of popcorn and went into the living room. We watched 4 whole episodes. "Mackenzie" Michelle's mom said. "Yeah"  I said to her. Tears were running down her face, I became frightened for what they were about to say. "It's your father. The hospital called us. His heart failed while in recovery. They were able to revive him, but he's in critical condition" she said. I froze. My dad was in critical condition again! He was in even more pain because of my mom. I didn't even feel the tears fall. But they came. I sobbed uncontrollably in my hands. They all hugged me as I soon feel my body become overrun with an anxiety attack. He's probably never going to wake up because of my mom. I then passed out from shock.

The Next Day

I woke up and I was very tired. I still can't believe he's in critical condition after all his time there. Michelle was in the bed next to me and Brandon was on the floor in a sleeping bag. Both of them were still asleep. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I locked my door and walked to the bathroom sink. I opened the cabinet that's connected the mirror. I've been strong for too long. I grabbed a new pack of razors and opened the pack. I broke them apart and I grabbed the blades from them. Tears ran down my face as I slid the blade up my arm. Making my first cut of many.

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