Chapter 10: Help

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4 months later
Hunter's pov
It's been 4 whole months since Mackenzie had been put on life support. Her father was alright, but he's in a coma though. Mackenzie lost too much blood from the bullet wounds and now she's on life support. She has had to have CPR to start her heart up again 5 times. They say she might not wake up and that if she does there's going to most likely have memory loss. They said they were taking her off life support as of tonight. Cameron and all of her friends haven't left her side ever since they came here last week. Cameron has been talking to her nonstop. I can tell he loves her, but what will happen when to us when she wakes up. I walked up to her hospital room. Cameron has been crying ever since he heard that she's being taken off of life support and he won't leave her side. I see Cam talking to an unconscious Mackenzie. Tears still running down his face. Michelle stayed next to him. She had tears running down her face. Sarah was the same way. They were like sisters to her. I knew this was hard for all of us. A doctor came in. "It's time "he said looking at all of us. All of the parents were sobbing. Cam and Michelle held her hand. The doctor walked over to the machine. He turned her life support off. We all waited for her heart monitor to go flat and hear the long beep to follow after. Tears ran down my face as I waited, looking at the floor. I can't believe she's gone, and after all this time she's been so strong. Her heart rate was slowly decreasing. We waited for that sound....It was quiet except for the few sobs wracking peoples bodies. But her heart rate suddenly went faster. We all looked up. Mackenzie was moving finally.  "Come on baby you can do it " Cameron said to her grasping onto her hands once more. She twitched her hand. "Come on baby, open your beautiful eyes. We need to know you can hear us " We all watched as she slowly opened her eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes. She looked around the room with a puzzled look on her face. "What's wrong? Why is everyone crying? " she asked softly. We all ran over to her, hugging her, and crying. Cameron said he loved her so much. She immediately became confused. "That night you got shot. That picture. It was an older picture she had. " I said. She looked up at me with that same look in her eyes that night we truly kissed . She remembers what happened between us that night.

Mackenzie's pov
I had been in pain for four whole months. Listening to Cameron talk to me about what's happening. I soon heard they were taking me off life support. I didn't want to die. I had Hunter. And my dad. And my friends and Cameron. But Hunter and I. How am I supposed to just get back with Cam. "It's a miricle! "I heard Michelle's mom say walking in. "Guys can I talk to Hunter for a sec " I say. They all nod and leave. Hunter stared at me from across the room. I patted a side of my bed, motioning for him to sit. He walks over and sits next to me, but his back was facing me. He just stares off into space. "Hunter, you know I care about you right "I say putting my head on his back. He stayed silent. "I want you to know that I loved every second, being with you. You helped me become stronger in so many ways. I love you " I say as tears flowed down my cheeks. "Mackenzie, you have to date Cameron. He cares about you. I want you to forget that night we had " he said getting up. "What?! How could I forget that. It was one of the best nights of my life. " I say kind of sad. "You have no choice. I'll see you later " he said standing up. "Wait! "I say grabbing his wrists. He pulled himself away. "Goodbye Mackenzie ". That was when he walked out. I sat there in disbelief. He left me. I welcomed the tears and the heartache. Soon it was time to go home. I got dressed in the clothes Michelle brought for me. But I had to come back tomorrow so they could tell me something. I had to see my dad before I left. My dad was bound to wake up any day now. He seemed healthy. He was getting better, very fast. "I know you can make it daddy. You'll wake up. I know you will " I say to him. I kiss his forehead and left with Michelle. "Don't worry he'll wake up " She said hugging me. "I hope so " I say. We walked out and drove to my house. It was 5:00 in the morning. "Who wants breakfast? " Michelle's mom said. Everyone did. Except me. She made pancakes. I just thought about the conversation me and Hunter had. I wondered where he was.

Hunter's pov
I left the hospital in tears. I told my mom I was going to hang out with some friends. But I wasn't. I was going to the dock. I sat by the water, letting my legs dangle, just above the water. I had finally stopped crying. I didn't mean to seem mean to her. But she needed to know that he loves her. I let out a frustrated sigh. I run my fingers through my hair. I needed something to dull my heartache. I stand up. I walked to a local convenience store. I saw a pack of cigarettes. I grabbed them and a lighter. I know this is bad. But who cares. I payed for them and left. I went back over to the dock. I sat down and opened the pack of cigarettes. I lit one and breathed it in. I breathed it out releasing a cloud of smoke. I started to relax. I felt less stressed. I heard someone walk over. Whoever it was sat next to me. I looked over. It was a girl, just about my age. She smiled at me. "You smoke too "she said looking at me. I nodded. She took out her own pack and lit a cigarette as well. She inhaled and exhaled letting out a puff of smoke. "My name's Alex " she said. "My name's Hunter " I reply. She had black hair, pale skin, icy blue eyes, and very plump lips. She was wearing a white shirt with a red and black cardigan and she was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with gray converses. She was the complete opposite of Mackenzie. "So Hunter, what's your story? "She asked looking back at me. "My story? "I ask confused. "You know, why you're here right now, smoking with a social outcast " she said closing her eyes and leaning back on her arms. "Well...."

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