Oh god no

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Broken moon

Stephanie's point of view.

Deafening rings over powered the small chatter throughout the packed classroom.
Annoyance of school was immediately replaced with worry and confusion on what was going on. Was this a fire drill?

Mrs. Hirs eye brows furrowed together and she reached for the ringing phone on the desk ahead. She worriedly answered and the alarm stopped blaring through the school. Her mouth opened slightly and panic overdosed her voice as she asked.

"How is this possible??!, What do I do?"
I carefully examined Mrs. Hirs worried face and noticed a tear spill out of her eye. Something bad was happening... What was going on?
She hung up the phone and took a deep breath before wiping the lingering tear.

"Class. Please remain calm." She spoke.
Curiosity grew deeper and deeper inside my body. Hearing the words 'remain calm' made me feel more stressed, knowing there was a reason to panic.
I sent a worried glance to my friend Carl. His facial features remained confused.

"All of your parents have been informed to pick you up. There is a- a disease.. People are dying. B-but they are coming back to life," Mrs. Hirs announced to the large classroom.
I was unsure of what I just heard.

"Until your parents arrive you must not leave the classroom. Do you understand me?," Mrs. Hirs's voice was stern, We all nodded in unison.

"God, I never thought I would have to announce the end of the world to my classroom.," She spoke under her breath as she tugged at her hair frantically.

"From what I have heard. These things are dangerous, they are attracted to flesh and will try to bite you., A bite or scratch causes you to get this disease. Make sure your limbs are covered at all times, and be sure to lock your windows and doors." She explained.

*Lori's Point Of View*
"L-Lori" Charlotte choked out.
"Charlotte are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with eagerness.
"Please take my baby" Charlotte coughed vigorously and I felt my heart sink..
I knew what was occurring..
A steady flow of tears dripped from my eyes onto my steering wheel,

"Where is your husband?" I questioned.
I was acceptable with taking Stephanie into my care, Charlotte and Stephen were very close friends of mine and rick's, Charlotte's daughter Stephanie was very close with my son Carl.

"He's dead. He-he bit me. I've got this disease and I -I need you to give Stephanie your best care and remind her i l-love her everyday. Ca-can you do that for me?" She pleaded.
Hearing the weakness in her voice made my heart tear.

"Yes, o-of course Charlotte. You are a great friend and I'm eternally thankful for having shared wonderful experiences with you. Im s-so sorry this happened to you." I choked on the tears threatening to spill again.
The line went blank and I let all of the tears run.
I never thought the day where the dead would walk was possible. But I was was obviously wrong.

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