Chapter five

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A movement stirred beside me and I felt myself shoot up from my peaceful slumber.
My head began to sting with an annoying pain. I pinched the bridge of my nose eagerly. Hoping the pain would vanish but it didn't.

"What happened last night?" I asked groggily.
Carl shrugged innocently.

"Did we?" An eery and awkward silence filled the tower until Carl responded

"I don't think so?"
He began frantically looking around for evidence.

"No" we both sighed in relief.
We both knew I wasn't ready for that yet.

"Hey, why don't we watch the sunrise?" I offered.
Carl's smile displayed his aligned teeth and I felt a small smile creep along my face.

"Sounds like a plan."
I stood myself up and roughly opened the door that lead to the deck.
Carl instantaneously followed behind me and plopped down next to me.
The air was chilling, but the sight was beautiful.

Carl wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him.

"I really enjoy being around you, steph" Carl smiled and dimples indented his cheeks.

"I have to say the same thing about you." I returned the smile and sighed.

"What's on your mind?" Carl asked.
I inhaled a large portion of air before responding.

"I really want to get close to you but I'm afraid." I frowned, looking down at my toes which hungover the edge of the look out.

"Why are you scared? I will never leave you, I promise." Carl reassured.
But truthfully he could leave me. Any second of any day and it scared the hell out of me. Losing Sophia was hard enough. I couldn't ever lose Carl.
He seemed to have read my thoughts because he embraced me tightly.

"Stephanie, no matter what happens I wont get hurt, I'm strong," Carl released his embrace on me.

"Carl, you don't know what could happen. I cant stand to lose you too." Tears cascaded down my freckled cheeks.

"I cant lose you either. But we are both strong, we can make it through this together, I promise" Carl leaned his forehead on mine and my heart beat sped up to a pace I couldn't keep up with.

"I damn sure hope you are right." I mumbled.
Carl connected our lips and butterflies tumbled in my stomach rapidly. My heart beat yet again sped out of my chest.
We continued kissing and his tongue slid across my bottom lip. I parted my lips and our tongues began to explore each others mouths.
He ended the kiss licking his lips.
I sat, flabbergasted at what just happened. That was amazing.
My first kiss was Carl Grimes.
It took me a second to process and I eternally squealed.
"CARL, LOOK." I gasped at the sight below.
A girl and boy outside the gate was struggling to fight walkers surrounding them.
The walkers were beginning to inclose them,

"WE HAVE TO HELP" I yelled.
I stood myself up and bolted down the stairs.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs I noticed Carl wasn't behind me.
I continued opening the door and sprinting to the gates, Seconds later Carl stood beside me panting.

"Open the gates." I demanded.
Carl proceeded to open the gates and I full out sprinted the short distance to the girl and boy.

"HELP" the girl screamed, pure terror in her voice,
I secured my hand around my knife and began stabbing walkers until beads of sweat were pouring from my forehead.

The girl knocked me off my feet in a hug.
Tears were pouring from her eyes as she thanked me multiple times.

I stood myself up from the grass and stared intensely at the girl.
Brown waves dangled above her fragile looking shoulders. She sort of resembled a porcelain doll with her big doe eyes, shortened thin body, and clear, pale skin.
The girl extended her hand out for me to grab and I declined it. I didn't know who she was nor what she was capable of doing.

"I-I'm Mia" 'Mia' had a innocent, pleading face on.

"Stephanie" i mumbled.

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