Chap six

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"I just have three questions for you. Can you answer them for me?." Rick questioned
Mia and Sam nodded frantically as a response.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick grasped the short brown hair curling off his chin.

"We- we haven't kept count." Sam stuttered.
Sam was an attractive boy, he appeared to be around 16. Long blonde hair stuck to his dampened face and his bright blue eyes mirrored his soul perfectly.

"How many people have you killed?" Rick asked.
Mia scratched the back of her neck and snapped her vision to Sam.

"Only one because he was suffering." Mia frowned as sam swatted her arm.
She gazed towards the cement underneath her.

"You answered the last question. You two will have to share a bunk because we are running out of room in this cell block. During the night you will be locked in. It's not because we don't like you, we just don't have full trust yet so we have to play it safe" rick explained.
An excited smile sprawled across their faces and I felt a scarce smile spread on mine.

"Thank you, thank you!" Mia exclaimed

"Steph and Carl will show you around." Rick pointed towards Carl and I,
I shyly waved before turning to face Carl.
He simply pointed to the cells. I lead the way up the rusted stairs and lead them to the end of hallway.

"This will be your bunk. Beside you is another new girl named Nicki." Nicki looked up from a book she was scribbling in and stood up innocently.

"Hey, who's this?" Nicki asked referring to Mia and Sam.

"This is Mia and Sam. And this is Nicki!" I introduced.

"Hey I'll finish showing them around! You look exhausted." Carl pointed out.
He had truth to his statement. Sleep was rare ever since I was informed about Shane..
I smiled gratefully before turning on my heels.
My 'room' was in between Nicki's and Carl's. As I reached my cell, I plopped on the lower bunk. It was uncomfortable I'll admit, but I never complained about such little things like that.
I had lives to worry about.
I began to feel my eyes close.


I admired the leaves falling peacefully from the surrounding trees as if it were a part of my daily routine.
Staring at the passing leaves made my mind feel at ease.
The weather was brisk lately which meant winter was on its way.
The sun was no longer visible. It rarely was during the winter!
The alarming sound of a zipper opening interrupted my peaceful thoughts.
A staggering Shane came stumbling inside the zesty orange tent.
Confusion fell upon me. Why would he be here? Was he going to hit me again?
He began undoing his belt and I felt my heart beat quicken to a pace impossible to keep up with. I felt a tear nip the corner of my eye and it fell free fully down my face.
"Take of your shirt. NOW" Shane demanded, strictly.
I fearfully took it off and covered my bra with my two arms.

Why was he doing this?

Shane slid the leather belt out of the loops of his navy blue jeans and wrestled them off.
I wanted to scream for help but the risk in attracting walkers was too high.
Shane then began to peel his boxers off and I felt the pit of my stomach drop in fear and I suddenly felt nauseous.
Shane began to near me and I felt a quiet sob escape my lips followed by plenty of sniffles and tears..
Shane's index finger brushed over my lips as he slid off my light blue jeans.
"S-stop" I sobbed.

I repeated myself plenty of times but he proceeded to ignore me.
I was not ready for this yet.
I was only 13, I should've been playing around still. I shouldn't have been in a situation like this.

I sobbed harder.
The freezing air bit my skin causing goosebumps to rise on my body.
Shane placed his hand over my bra and loud sobs escaped my lips as I looked away from the monster currently molesting me.
I was debating yet again on yelling for help, but I knew the consequences, and I didn't want to meet my fate of death. Not yet, at least.
He unclasped my bra and a shiver struck my spine like lightening electrocuting a willow tree.

"P-please don't do this" i mumbled.
I felt as if my pleads for him to stop just went straight through him like a broken remote trying to control a television.
Shane grabbed me by the knotted hair that spiralled off my head and yanked it roughly that I faced him.
His face was contoured in ferocity, eyebrows squeezed in anger; Causing creases to form in his forehead.
Shane had a dark side, I knew it was bad from the previous physical, and mental abuse I received from him.
But I never thought it would exceed to this level of cruelty.

"If you make one sound, I will kill you" Shane threatened.
The scent of liquor radiated off him, leaving me feeling nauseous.
At this point, I didn't want to live anymore.
I knew what was going to happen, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
I thought of Carl.. He couldn't lose another person. Losing Sophia was hard enough for him.. As much as I despised life, I knew I had a role to play in this apocalypse.
I began to cry harder if that were possible as he slid my underwear off. I covered my mouth as best as I could to muffle my anguishing screams of terror.


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