Chapter 3: The secret is out

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I woke up with a huge headache. By huge I mean I feel like my head can explode any moment.

"Hey Eva can you come downstairs we need to talk to you"

"O-ok" I answered not knowing what they wanted to talk about. I just wish Max didn't say anything I waked down to the living room all there looking at me with seriousness shine in their eyes. I sit down with curiousness ready to take over me.

"We want you to be calm about what we are about to say ok?"

"Ok, what is it?"

"We are in a gang, a serious dangerous gang. We didn't tell you because we didn't want you to worry. But now you are in serious danger because the people that want to get revenge on us know about your being our sister so they are going to ping to target you. That is why we are going to have Hunter to stay with us from now on and look after you at school as well as anywhere you are at all time." I was shocked and was speechless. The only thing that hurt the most was that Max was part of it and he never told me. I thought we were close but I guess not.

"Max you're apart of it too?" I can see guilt in his eyes. As he nod his head

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were closer than that and tell each other everything but I guess I was wrong."

I cry as I ran up the stairs locked my door and fall on my bed not caring the knocking on the doors with all the boys asking me to open the door.


Now that I have locked myself in my room for three days, I finally decided to go downstairs and grab something to eat. As I about to turn the corner of the kitchen. I heard the boys mentioning my name, so I decided to ears drop on their conversation.

"Eva have to find out sooner or later. So why can't we just tell her, it's hard keeping secret like this from her" a voice I made out to be Max

"But can you imagine how heartbroken and depressed she will be if she found out that she was born after mum was raped and was never planned" I then have enough and turn the corner and came face to face with James, Max and Daniel having a regret look on their faces.

"Is that true?" I ask but no one replied

"ANSWER ME! AM I AN ACCIDENT?" I screamed and took off running up to my room and have a mental breakdown. I have to cut was the only thought running through my mind as everything all the news hit me. So I decided to go to the bathroom and pulled out a blade and cut the total of 5 times then I cleaned up and cry myself to sleep.

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