Chapter 2

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AN: I need a massive favour. Does anyone know/remember the names of the Inn Keeper, her daughter and the blonde-haired nurse from the hospital? I vaguely recall seeing names for two of them somewhere in the game, but I can’t remember! If anyone knows, please, please tell me!


Chapter 2:

Lynus curled his hands into fists as he watched the Troubadour be pushed forward roughly, becoming the unwilling centre of attention. His violet eyes were wide as they darted around, trying to take everything in. Even with the distance between them, Lynus could see the boy trembling, his breathing ragged and even.

That poor boy. The only thing Lynus could hope for was that his lordship did not seek any entertainment this very instant.

“Boy,” Lord Taksony said, his voice causing a violent shudder to race through the Troubadour’s body and a shiver to race down Lynus’ spine. Despite being of dire health, he had a commanding and domineering voice. When he spoke, everyone listed.

“You have now become my servant. Your only purpose is to serve me.”

“B-but, my family…”

Lynus winced when a guard lashed out, striking the Troubadour’s cheek, sending him sprawling across the hard marble floor with a cry. He withered on the floor for a few moments as the guard leaned over him.

“You do not talk back to his lordship,” the guard stated in no uncertain terms.

The boy wisely said nothing, but cowered as he nodded his head.

“Medic,” Lord Taksony commanded loudly, his voice effortlessly booming through the large room. “Take the brat and teach him the rules.”

Again, Lynus said nothing as he bowed and backed away from him. He then quickly made his way over to the silently crying Troubadour and helped him to his feet. The young man was jittery and terribly frightened. He immediately reminded Lynus of himself when he was thrown into his nightmare.

Taking the Troubadour by the arm, Lynus lead him out of the ballroom, heading in the direction of where the servant quarters were. Where his bedroom was. And where this young man’s new room was.

Not only was Lynus in charge of keeping Lord Taksony’s alive, he was also in charge of looking after the other hostages. Mainly Rahas and Binah as they were really the only ones left. Now there was a third one.

Keeping the Troubadour close to his side, Lynus approached an empty room that was in close proximity of his room, as well as Rahas’ and Binah’s. He liked to keep those under his care as close as possible. It was the best way for him to keep an eye on them.

Opening the door, Lynus guided the other inside and closed the door. As soon as the door clicked shut, Lynus engaged the lock without a second thought. It was a habit now, yet he was always conscious of it. And the sound of the lock falling in place was somewhat reassuring. No one would be able to get in without breaking down the door, but they wouldn’t do that as Lord Taksony liked his manor to be presentable and spotless at all times.

So they were safe for now.

Lynus turned to look at the other, immediately spotting the swelling on his cheek. It would turn into a large bruise and a possible black eye if Lynus didn’t attend to it soon.

“What’s your name,” Lynus asked the young man gently as he walked over to him.

“L…Lirit,” came a soft, whispery response.

Lynus smiled at him, showing him that he was no threat. “My name is Lynus,” he said as he lifted a hand to gently touch Lirit’s cheek. A gentle green glow appeared around his hand, this time warm and soothing. “I’m a medic.”

Cease the Suffering - Etrian Odyssey II (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now