Chapter 42

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AN: Big, big thanks to Irish_Moon_Dreamer and SakuraiYaoke for commenting on the previous chapter! I hope you’ll enjoy reading this chapter, too!


Chapter 42:

“Well, well, well, we meet again.”

Lynus tried to hide his fear as Avith stood cocky and nonchalant in front of him. Even though he was missing a tooth or two from that shark-like smile of his, he was still very intimidating. And he didn’t appear to be suffering from that punch Axle landed on him some days ago.

“Avith,” he said lowly, his back hitting the closed door behind him. “What do you want?”

Avith made a tisking sound, as if chiding him in some way. “You like to ask stupid questions, don’t you?”

From the open window behind Avith a new figure appeared. Slender and female, with long black hair, an impish smile, a long staff in her hand and robes of a war Magus. She stepped inside and saddled up next to Avith. Obviously, they were in this together.

“Who-?” Lynus began to ask, but narrowed his eyes when a sense of recognition washed over him. “Wait, you’re-”

It was Artelind. The female War Magus he met in the labyrinth while searching for the Snow Blossoms. Why would she be with Avith?

Artelind looked him up and down, hardly impressed. “This is the guy?” she asked, turning her attention to Avith.

“Yep,” Avith smirked as he cocked out a hip and placed his hand on it. “I know he looks a little delicate, but he’s very useful. I assure you.”

“Well, you better be right,” Artelind said as she turned her eyes back to Lynus, that playful expression on her face doing very little to ease Lynus’ nerves.

“What do you want from me?” Lynus asked, directing his question to Artelind. He just could not understand why she would be pairing up with Avith. The first time he met her was in the labyrinth. He has had no contact with her, before or after!

But Artelind continued to smile at him. “You have a higher duty that you need to perform.”

“A higher what?” Lynus spluttered, really not like the way she was looking at him.

“I’ve heard rumours that you can cure all suffering,” Artelind continued, her eyes narrowing slightly. “I want to see.”

“Let’s grab him before those bodyguards of his return,” Avith suddenly commanded, sounding testy and terse.

Lynus felt himself go pale. How could they have known that Axel and the others were away from the inn? Had they been waiting, watching silently from the shadows this entire time? “How did you-?”

A wicked glint appeared in Avith’s eyes as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a pair of thin rimmed glasses. “Look familiar?”

“Darrell!” Lynus cried as he pushed himself away from the door, making an attempt to snatch the glasses out of Avith’s grip. But the Dark Hunter deftly held the glasses from his grasp, so Lynus hunched his shoulders and slunk back again. “What have you done to him?”

Avith casually tossed the glasses over his shoulder. “He’s the distraction.”

Lynus’ hands fidgeted with the sleeves of his jacket, trying to think of what he should do. Should he make a run for it and hide somewhere, waiting for Axel and the others to return? But if he did, he might be putting everyone else staying at the inn in danger. He had no idea what Artelind was capable of; she must be formidable if she was able to traverse the labyrinth alone.

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