Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Lynus couldn’t help but wince when the man he unintentionally walked into while he was deep in thought turned to face him.

He appeared to be a dark-haired Ronin. He was quite tall and appeared older than Lynus by a few years. His eyes were a piercing gold and his expression rather stoic. With a strange blade by his side, a large cross shape scar on his chest and shiny gold arm guards on his arms, he was quite intimidating.

“I’m sorry for bumping into you,” Lynus said as he grasped at the strap of his bag and hunched his shoulders. “I was just thinking, and…”

The man continued to look at him, his gaze unwavering. Almost as if he was studying him. “It’s fine,” he finally said and folded his arms over his chest. “Are you new here?”

“Y-yes,” Lynus answered, feeling uneasy and vulnerable under his gaze. “Is there a hospital or some m-medical practice nearby? Y-you see I’m-”

“Are you a Medic?” he abruptly cut him off.

“Y-yes,” Lynus stuttered again. “That’s right.”

“…Yes, there is a hospital nearby,” the Rounin said as he abruptly unfolded his arms, letting one drop to his side while the other rested casually on the hilt of his blade. “I will lead you to it.”

Lynus reeled his head back slightly in surprise. He was expecting maybe a few directions, but not an escort. He wasn’t going to deny him, though. “O-oh, thank you.”

The Ronin turned his back to him, but glanced over his shoulder, keeping an eye on him. “This way.”


But before they could begin to walk, Matron appeared with a tray of food in her hands. When she spotted Lynus, she smiled. “Oh, are you leaving?” she asked, pausing in her steps. “Is my precious little girl going to be ok?”

“Yes, she’ll be just fine,” Lynus replied as he slipped into caretaker mode. “My sister is keeping her company.”

“How sweet,” Matron cooed, looking undeniably pleased. “It’s good for Becky to make new friends.”

“For Binah as well,” Lynus said as he shifted his bag on his shoulder anxiously. “Excuse me; I’m heading out for the day. Do you mind if you could watch over Binah for me? She doesn’t like being alone.”

“Of course!” Matron immediately replied. “Such a darling she is to be keeping my Becky company. Are you looking for work at the hospital?”

“Hopefully,” Lynus said as he shrugged awkwardly.

“Oh, Dr Stiles is a wonderful man,” Matron went on to say. “He’s always looking for talented healers. You would be a most welcomed addition.”

Lynus felt somewhat relieved. “Ah, that’s good to hear.”

“Do you know the way?”


“I am escorting him there,” the Ronin spoke up.

“Ah, Shen,” Matron grinned, as if just realising that he was there. She clearly knew him and wasn’t remotely intimidated by him. Although, she probably wasn’t intimidated by anyone. “That’s good to hear.”

“We’ll go over there now,” Lynus said, bowing his head slightly out of habit. “Excuse me.”

“Thanks so very much for your help, sweetie!” Matron called as Lynus began to follow the Ronin now known as Shen through the inn. “I’ll cook you a big dinner tonight. Need to fatten you up!”

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