Chapter 4

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America's P.O.V.

It is the last day of our honeymoon, and we leave to return to the place late tonight so we will arrive in the morning tomorrow. All of our bags are packed and Maxon and I are standing outside of the cabin we sent the better part of 6 days in. Neither one of us wants to leave, but we both know we have too, a country can not run its self.

"I am going to miss this."

"As am I my dear." As Maxon while embracing me. "Shall we be going?"

"I guess we shall." I sad in a sad yet understanding tone. The small airport is around thirty minutes away, so we are getting a head start and plan to stop at the local market to look around and for lunch. A guard opens the door to the 'Royal Car' for me to get in and Maxon soon follows.

"Thank you, for the best honeymoon a wife could ever ask for."

"No, thank you for being the best person a man could ever love."

We both smile and sit close together as the car starts to move forward.  A little while later we start to see signs of civilization. We then pull up to the town's main square, a guard opens the door for us and Maxon gets out first. He then offers me his hand and helps me out.

For security reason a few guards had to walk with us as we browsed through the small shops. They were not wearing their usual guard attire, instead normal everyday clothing so they would not stick out. A few walked ahead of us to check thing out, some were behind us, and every few yards I would see one trying to blend in with society. Doing their royal duty to protect their king and queen, I found it very brave.

We stopped at a small restaurant for lunch, it was beautiful.  The outside patio was filled with different flowers, it reminded me of the gardens back at the palace. The inside was just as elegant.

"This place is beautiful Maxon!"

"Not nearly as beautiful as you my dear."

The waitress came and took our order, we were more like sampling everything on the menu.  Almost everyone in the restaurant noticed us and kept glancing over at the king and queen of their country. Just as we were finishing our meal, a guard walks up to our table, " Your Majesties, a crowd is being to gather outside the restaurant, I suggest we leave soon and go out the back." The guard the walks back to were he was.

"Are you finished my dear?" Maxon ask me.

"Finished? Yes, but ready to leave? Never." I pause. "But lets go." We stand, getting the guards attention and walk out to the back of the restaurant were the royal car is awaiting.  

We both sit quietly hand-in-hand excepting that soon we will be back at the palace and will have less time with each other.

"What are you thinking about?" Maxon asks.

"Nothing really, yet everything. What are you thinking about?"

"You, my queen. But also my mom and dad, sometimes I still can't believe they are gone. And I think that we are only the prince and princess, not the king and queen."

"Yes, I often think of that too. But at least we have each other."

"And that is all that matters to me, your are my world!" After he finishes, I lean in and kiss him. We smile at one another than I hear a car horn followed by being jostled around. Glass flies everywhere, cutting me in a few places. Maxon and I are both lying in uncomfortable positions on the ceiling of the car. I look over at Maxon, his face is covered in blood , I want to cry at the sight. I can hear yells in the distance, I think someone asked for help and another said that we were in the car. I see Maxon mouth, "I love you," with a single tear running down his face, "I love you too, with all my heart!" I say back and I tug my ear. Maxon closes his eyes and blacks out, seconds later my vision becomes spotted with darkness and I black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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