How Did This Happen?

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Goku held a sobbing and shivering Goten to his chest. The chilly breeze that ran through the forest the two were in made the shivering worse. The full blooded saiyan had his own tears streaming down his face as he tried to comfort his distraught son. One of his large hands rubbed through messy black spikes as he pulled the boy closer in his embrace.

"It's okay, son. We'll be okay." Despite all the emotions running through him, Goku's words came out calm and steady. A thick black monkey tail wrapped around the demi-saiyan's and smoothed over the fur. The child in his arms shuddered again as his crying drained his energy. It wasn't long before Goten was asleep in his father's arms.

The young man shifted the exhausted form in his arms so Goten's head rested over Goku's heart. The still crying father gently brushed the tear trails off the innocent face before wiping his own face. The saiyan shifted against the tree branch he was sitting on. The branches that surrounded them provided a shield from the cruel outside world.

Goku leaned his head back against the trunk of the tree and vacantly stared through the leaves at the night sky. His onyx eyes closed in grief as he cuddled his poor cub closer to his warmth to protect the boy from further pain.

'How did it come to this? It's not like I asked Vegeta. He came to find me not the other way around! And Chi-Chi! How could she!? I can understand myself, but Goten?!'


Goku dunked his head under the cold water of the mountain lake. The temperature did wonders to soothe him as he swam naked toward a small waterfall. He broke through the surface for a large gulp of air and rested his arms and head on a smooth wet rock.

The large martial artist had been feeling strange for the past two weeks. An uncomfortable heat heat and an itch was making his skin feel too tight. The heat was making his thought process foggy, and bringing up feelings that were lurking in the back of his mind. The heat also put things in different prospectives as well.

For example, Chi-Chi. His oh so "loving" wife.

Goku let out a sigh at the thought of the raven haired female. Ever since he had died the first time, the woman had treated him more like a pet than a husband. The saiyan never felt a meaningful connection with her, but she provided him with two wonderful sons.

After the fight with Buu, Chi-Chi became more controlling with not only Goku but with Goten as well. The younger boy was more saiyan than his older brother, and the Ox-princess hated that. The full blooded saiyan was absolutely thrilled that his youngest was more like him, and he was already teaching the boy what he knew about saiyans.

Goku's tail gave a happy wag at that thought. The fusion with Vegeta gave the tall warriors memories of his home planet and its culture. The knowledge filled a gap within him that he never knew he had, and to be able to pass that knowledge along to his offspring...was indescribable.

He also felt closer to his prince. Goku have always admired the older man, but now it seems like his emotions his lead to full-blown love. While they shared one body, their souls touched. The large saiyan felt things for Vegeta that he never felt with his wife, but he kept his feeling to himself. The older saiyan finally seemed to somewhat like Goku, and he didn't want to risk loosing that.

Anyway, this feeling was making being around Chi-Chi almost unbearable. Goku had caught himself growling and snarling at the woman, and after the fifth time, the woman kicked him out of the house. The saiyan didn't mind too much as his temper had drastically improved, but the itch and heat refused to leave him.

The sudden sound of feet touching down on the lakeshore pulled the man out of this thoughts. The spiky haired head looked over to the source of the sound to see his fellow full blooded saiyan and prince. Vegeta was standing in the same outfit he fought Buu in, and the sight of the tight material stretched over large muscles made Goku's mouth water.

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