Time Together

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Vegeta let out a groan as he woke up. He rolled so that he was laying on his stomach and buried his face in a pillow. Fur sliding on his naked skin felt delicious, and he wanted to remain in bed to really enjoy the sensation. Vegeta was beginning to understand just why Karo was so prone to touching and brushing against him when he'd been under the influence of Lady Tarro's transformation. He stretched out an arm across the furs to find his mate once his mind recognized the lack of warmth, but the beta wasn't within reach.

The alpha pushed himself up out of the furs to look for his mate, but he was alone in the room. A frown grew on his face until the smell of biscuits and stone boar meat being cooked registered. His stomach growled at the mouthwatering scent so he moved off the nest to head to the kitchen.

Vegeta snagged a crimson robe from a hook close to the door to cover his nude body. Once he finished knotting the belt, he came to stand in the doorway to watch his mate cook.

Kakarot was standing in the by the stove humming as he turned a large slab of meat on a griddle. The prince saw numerous pots and pans on the stove, and he was looking forward to the amazing meal the submissive was cooking. It surprised the older man once he found out that his mate could cook, but he was thankful for the discovery. His Karo was very good in the kitchen.

He was clad in a pair of loose black pants with his upper body on display, and Vegeta smiled at seeing multiple love bites on that wonderfully soft scar-less skin. Just seeing the evidence of his claim on the beta was making his blood start to rush to his lower body once more. He wanted to put more marks on that honey colored flesh, he needed to.

Not being able to stay away any longer, Vegeta padded over to Goku and snaked his arms around the submissive's waist. His sudden embrace caused the younger saiyan to jump a little, but he purred and leaned into the embrace as soon as he caught the prince's scent. The alpha's chest rumbled as he caught his scent on his mate's skin, and he buried his face in Goku's shoulder.

"Good morning, Geta," Goku greeted cheerfully. He rubbed his cheek in flame shaped spikes with a happy smile on his face. "Breakfast will be ready soon. I hope you're hungry!"

"I can think of something I'd like to have at the moment." He purred giving the beta an affectionate nip as his hand gently cupped his mate's ass. He didn't have to see the blush to know it was on his mate's cheeks. Goku squeaked before he heartlessly swatted at the man but did little to actually make Vegeta let him go.

"As much as I enjoyed last night, I need food before we do anything else." Goku stated firmly. "I don't know how you aren't starving."

Vegeta chuckled as he breathed deep inhaling his mate's scent, purring as he nuzzled into the back of Kakarot's neck before letting the man go to finish cooking undisturbed. Tarro forbid he make the beta ruin something on the stove. He wanted to remain in his mate's good books.

He moved to the table to watch the submissive finish breakfast looking forward to the meal. The oven let out a beep, and as soon as it opened, the smell had the prince's stomach growling. Goku was plating the food on several large platters, and he loaded his arms up to bring everything to the table.

Vegeta groaned at the sight of stone boar chops, gravy, biscuits, eggs, a fruit bowl with items from Earth and Vegetasei, rice, toast, pancakes, sausages, and four large pitchers of orange juice. He immediately reached out to snag a biscuit, but the beta smacked his hand with his tail as he moved beside the older man.

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