One Last Option

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Vegeta had carried Goku into his old bedroom after everyone had left. The prince figured it would make his distraught mate feel more at ease than remaining in the living room where anyone could come upon them.

"It'll be alright, Karo. I'm sure Dende will be able to help you." The older man spoke in black spikes. "You know he can heal anything short of regrowing a missing limb. If he could have done that, I would've had him help with our tails."

The alpha moved to look at the beta's face to see if his words were helping, but the arms around his neck just tightened so that Goku's face remained buried in his mate's neck. This made Vegeta sigh as he settled them on his old bed.

"Karo, I'm sorry. If I hadn't pushed you to go into the healing tank, we could have fixed your voice." The alpha cradled the younger saiyan to his chest as they relaxed on the bed. He pulled off his white gloves to lightly scratch over Goku's scalp in an effort to help calm the other.

The submissive whined a bit and shook his head slightly. He pulled back just enough so he could look at the older man's face. His black tail drifted up and brushed along one of the bare hands that the alpha was using to hold Goku to his chest.

He didn't blame Vegeta at all for this. If it weren't for his insistence, the beta could have caused more damage to his body or lost his tail.

"I'm sorry, I promise I will find a way to make things right I swear." Vegeta soothed, not having noticed that the submissive denied words. "It's my fault you got taken in the first place. I wasn't there to protect you."

Goku growled very softly and rubbed his head against his mate in frustration. He wanted to snarl and slap some sense into the prince. It hurt not being able to talk to him, to anyone, but this wasn't his mate's fault. He purred a bit and found himself nuzzling the alpha as he curled into the blankets around them.

"I never apologized to you for letting Turles take you, did I? I'm so sorry, Kakarot, I should have been a better alpha and listened when my instincts told me something was wrong." The alpha's arms tightened around the beta as Vegeta's ever present guilt continued to pour out. "I could...Its like I felt your fear, that I needed to find you as soon as I could and I ignored that feeling. More importantly I failed you, Karo. I swore I'd protect you, that you would never go through anything like that again. I don't deserve to be your alpha, Kakarot."

"And because I ignored my instincts like a fool, I allowed our cubs and Tarble got harmed as well. That...that bastard almost hurt Vegito, and I wasn't there to save him! If it weren't for the lizard..." He trailed off not being able to finish that sentence. "Sushi was the only reason we knew something was wrong Karo. He....I couldn't find you Kakarot and I didn't know what to do." Even if his mate forgave him for breaking his promise, he didn't see the beta forgiving him so readily for letting someone hurt the cubs.

"I should have listened to my instincts. I should have gotten to you sooner. I should have killed that slug that time he came sniffing around in the garden. If I had done that, you never would have gotten hurt. I can't believe I allowed this to happen to you..."

Goku growled at his mate softly trying to get his attention though his mate's rant. He knew Vegeta took his position as alpha seriously, but this guilt was wrong. Vegeta needed to understand he didn't blame him for any of it. There wasn't anything Geta could have done, if anything he should be angry Goku didn't notice the drugs in their children's food. It was neither of their faults and Geta needed to understand that. When growling didn't work, he decided he needed a more direct approach.

"Karo, if you want to le-ouch!" He shouted grabbing his wrist where Goku firmly bit it. His teeth didn't break the skin, but Vegeta was paying attention as the beta glared shaking his head.

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