Goku Finds Out

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I just want you guys to know that Tarble is not married to Gure. I've got nothing against her, but I have other plans for our young prince.

Goku winced as a sharp kick from his unborn baby struck one of his kidneys. He rubbed his swollen belly with a fond smile feeling the life and strong energy within him. He looked equivalent to a six month pregnant woman, and he still had three more months to go. He couldn't believe how fast time flew.

Saiyan pregnancies were two months shorter than human ones, and Goku was grateful for that. As much as he enjoyed carrying, he couldn't wait for it to be over. What he really hated about being pregnant was how defenseless he was, and that he had to rely on others to protect him. It made him feel anxious at times.

He shook his head at the thought as he turned to look around the room he was still adjusting to ever since King Vegeta gave it to him. Room, however, might be pushing it seeing as Goku and his family had a wing on the royal level of the palace. The beta was given the most protected set of rooms within the wing.

Goku had a sitting room just inside the main door that had all sorts of comfortable chairs and couches. It, along with the rest of the chambers, were decorated tastefully in grays and blues. There was a fire place along the back wall, and on either side of it were doors that connected to his father's and his brother's rooms.

There was a study off to the left of the sitting room with a large desk. There he was taught more about the saiyan culture and politics so in case he needed to rule before his cub was old enough. Strangely, he enjoyed the lessons quite a bit and was able to grasp things quickly. There was a window in the study that looked over a courtyard, and that allowed some pease of mind when he needed a break.

Along that same wall, was a smaller bedroom that belonged to Goten, but the beta felt better if his cub was sleeping with him, so the boy hadn't been in there too much. The room was like the master bedroom, just on a smaller scale.

On the right side of the room were his bedroom and bathroom room. These two were Goku's favorite out of his whole chambers. The bathroom was gray and white marble. There was a large, deep soaker tub that could hold Raditz, Bardock, and Goku all at the same time, and a shower where the water came down like rain. A sink was beside a full length mirror that was placed beside the door to his bed room.

That room just screamed comfort. The bed was absolutely huge with soft blue sheets and blankets. Gray and black furs also covered the bed, and it was built to resemble a den like the one Bardock had in his old house. Another fire place was at the opposite side of the bathroom door, and a large balcony was located on the far side of the room. The view was of the capital city and distance mountains of Vegetasei.

All and all Goku loved it.

He reclined on a plush couch laying sideways on it. He was dressed in black gi pants with a crimson shirt that stretched over his belly. Today was his day free from studying, and he was waiting for his energetic son to come back from his lessons. The boy had become so much happier since they left Earth, and Goku felt so relieved.

It took some time to coax Goten out of the shell he built when he lived with Chi-Chi, but with the help of his father, grandfather, uncle, and new tutor, he was now a bright ball of sunshine. It broke the beta's heart to see how timid the cub was after they first got here. He would cling to any of his family members as he looked around with scared eyes as if waiting for his mother to come out of the shadows.

"Daddy! I'm back!" A cheerful voice put a smile on his face as a blur came straight towards him. It stopped right beside him with a giggle. The submissive ruffled the wild black spikes on his son's head with a warm look in his eyes. The boy adapted to saiyan lifestyle with ease, and wanted to were armor like his grandfather all the time. It was an easy request to grant.

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