Chapter 1: Autumn

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It is the dreaded first day back to school after summer break and all the kids are headed to their bus stop. Some kids are pushed out the door because they slept in or cried for so long their mother didn't realize they were late. Unseen to all the kids bustling about is a teenage girl with brown hair, blue eyes, a brown leather jacket, and ripped jeans sitting on a tree branch not too far away watching them.

                "Ah a new school year, new stuff to learn, new friends to make, and another few months of work for me!" She said as she jumped off the tree branch and landed outside the school yard, she heard someone call her name. "Autumn!" she looked above her to see a teenage girl with long blonde hair ,brown eyes, a bright pink tank top and blue jean shorts looking at her. "Summer?! What are you doing here?" Autumn said. "Just checking on my little sister to see if she's doing her job right," she said. "Haha very funny since when do you care? Plus aren't you the one to cause all the trouble with the hurricanes and stuff," Autumn said. "Well since I'm a Guardian and you're not I decided I should probably check on you, but since you obviously have nothing better to do, like be a Guardian. I can see you are doing just fine with your job," said Summer. And with that she flew off probably to talk to another Guardian or probably chill in Hawaii.

                A/n: The rest of the chapter will now be written in first person because third person sucks and first person is much easier. I guess maybe I will just write the intros in third person I don't know. Any ways back to the story.

                I kicked at the nearest rock I could find in the schoolyard. "Why do my sisters have to be such jerks," I screamed into the sky. "Ever since they became Guardians they think they are so much better than me!" "Sure they all have amazing abilities like controlling the weather, growing plants, communicating with animals, and even controlling the water. But I can do that too and sometimes even better than they can." I willed the winds to pick me up and carry me to the forest, I need to check on some trees.

                When I landed in the forest I was immediately met the smell of damp earth. It was time to get to work. First priority is to make sure all the trees are on schedule with losing their leaves. I flew through the forest occasionally flying lower to check on the stubborn Maple tree, Red. Yes the trees have names and the can speak pretty well too, only to me though. "Red, why aren't your leaves changing color? You're going to stick out like a sore green thumb if you don't start soon," I said. " Sorry Autumn just kind of got dazed  you know looking at all the kids going to school man, I wish I had legs," Red said in a low, throaty voice. "Yeah... ok anyways get a move on, I've got to make sure the animals are starting to store food, bye!" I said. "Bye!" said Red. I walked through the forest occasionally looking into the dark holes of trees occasionally seeing an animal peek out of the shadows. What is up with them?, I asked out loud. I shuttered as I felt a sudden chill pass over me then I heard the padding of feet and I turned around to find my 'favorite sister' Winter dressed in a gray sweater and black pants strutting over to me with a big grin on her face."So did you hear?,"she said. "Hear what?," I asked. "The Moon might be choosing a new Guardian soon .", she said. "What really?!", I said. "Don't get your hopes up though I doubt it will be you", she said. "Like it's going to be you, whenever you come around animals hide in fear of their lives because you're so cold."I said. She muttered under her breath about being in charge of the coldest part of the year then said "I guess we will just have to see who gets chosen then me or you." "Oh and good luck with your part of the year I hear it's supposed to be extra rainy this year," she smirked then flew away. "Good luck with your part of the year", I said in a mocking voice, "I don't need luck."

A couple hours later I was helping Chip and his family (they're chipmunks) move a pile of acorns to a safe place when I heard someone crying. I left Chip and said I would be back later and flew to see where the sound was coming from. I flew until I was at the part of the forest that met the playground of a school. There at the edge of a forest I saw a little boy with his head to his knees. Now since most people don't believe in me I knew he wouldn't be able to see me ,and he can't hear me either so I can't really help while he is crying. However I can maybe cheer him up,I swirled a couple of leaves in a little tornado that all the little kids are always fascinated with and slowly let it swirl towards him. The little boy looked up and I noticed he had a little scrape on his forehead. While he was staring at my little tornado I crept over to him and gently touched his forehead, the scrape went away and he stopped crying. I wasn't hurt that he couldn't even feel me touch him or thank me after all I am quite used to it. Then I heard someone calling "Mitch! Mitch where are you?" I turned around to see a young lady with a teachers name tag crossing the playground. "There you are," she said, "What are you doing out here everyone is waiting for you." I heard Mitch sniffle then say, " I just wanted to have a little alone time." The teacher then said, "But don't you want to play with your friends?" "I-I was ,but then I fell on the ground ,a-and they started laughing at me.", he said. "Well let's go back inside and make them apologize how about that?",she said. "o-ok", Mitch got up and grabbed the teachers hand and they went back in the school. I grunted, what that teacher doesn't realize is that those kids probably shoved him on the ground and that he was trying not to get them in trouble ,so they wouldn't pick on him for telling the teacher. It's not exactly her fault I just wished she could see it how I see it.

I went back to check on the animals to see how they were doing ,but they were getting along without my help pretty well ,so I decided to head up to the North Pole for the New Guardian ceremony. I really hope it's me this year, I don't think I can stand having Winter nagging me for not doing my job well enough, even though I am, or because she's a Guardian and I am not.

A/N: So, what did you think????? It probably has terrible grammar doesn't it? Oh well I am not perfect. Also just as a heads up this story is going to be kind of slow when it comes to who is going to be The Last Guardian . Anyways I hope you liked the new chapter and I will try and update soon!

P.S.: Sorry I don't have a picture of Autumn I didn't get around to finding or drawing one. Maybe I will find one and put in a later chapter.

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