Chapter 4. Let's go to Homecoming

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Komi is Kory's older sister and Xavier is the older brother of Richard just so you know. Thanks for reading.

Narrator's POV
Thursday morning, Kory went into the bathroom and her phone ringed. Her sister Blackfire was calling her and Kory answered it saying, hello sister. Hey sister dear how's high school doing, Blackfire said. It's great so far but can I ask you something, Kory said. Yeah I got time before I go to class so what's up Kory, Blackfire said happily to help Kory's problem. I like this boy and he likes me back and he never asked me to the homecoming dance and I don't know if he ever will, Kory said with a sigh. Kory I'm certain he loves you but trying to make it a surprise you please don't jump to conclusions but if he doesn't ask you just call me okay, Blackfire said. Okay then thanks Blackfire, Starfire said. Blackfire hung up and Kory went to her closet and got her black skirt on and an red tank top on and she went to her front door and here's Richard at her door. Oh Richard nice to see you again, Kory said glancing at him.

Hey Kory I wanted to talk before we go, Richard said. Yeah um come in, Kory said. So what's up Richard, Kory said. I know you were in pain 2 days ago because of me but there is something I wanted to talk to you about, Richard said nervously. You can tell me anything I'm your girlfriend Richard I love you, Kory said taking his hand. Okay I love you and I wanted to ask you something, Richard said kissing Kory's hand. Yes Richard, Kory said eagerly waiting. Okay I love you and I want you to be my date to the homecoming dance tomorrow night, Richard said kneeling down to Kory. Richard I love you and I thought you never ask yes I will go to Homecoming with you. Then, Richard got off his knee and kissed Kory and they walked to school. At 3 period, Richard saw Kory getting into some major problems with Kitten again. Then, Kory came in with one red eye and a cut on her arm. Kory are you okay what happened out there, Richard said nervously and caring. Kitten literally got me and she cut me with her claws, Kory said painfully.

Your going to be okay I promise I'll help you at lunch time okay, Richard kissing her hand. Okay, Kory said kissing his cheek. At lunch time, Richard took Kory to the girl's bathroom and he wasn't even allowed but he went to the sink with her and got a napkin and washed the cut on her arm and put eye drops in her left eye. Thanks Richard, Kory said hugging him. Your welcome Kory now let's get back into lunch, Richard said glancing away from her and walking back with her. Hey you guys how's the food, Kory said. Oh um it's good how's your eye, Rachel said curiously. Oh it's okay it will be okay for tomorrow night so I'm fine. Okay then, Rachel said eating her sandwich. For the last couple of minutes of class Kory and Richard played in their phones. Then, Richard's brother Jason texted a picture of him and his girlfriend almost look like Kory. Hey Kory do you know this girl by any chance, Richard said curiously. Kory looked at the picture and gasped. Yes I know her she's my sister but who's that guy, Kory said. That's my brother, Richard said.

Wow this is awkward for me, Kory said looking at him. Why because we're dating each other, Richard said glancing away. No because we are dating people in the same family, Kory said smiling. Yeah I guess it is but all I know is that we were made to like each other and you know that right, Richard said looking at Kory. Yeah of course I do why would we be dating then, Kory said. Okay just checking tho, Richard said glancing at her. So you sure you'll be fine before the dance tomorrow, Richard said. Yeah I will, Kory said. Oh okay I'll pick you up afterschool at 6:00 okay, Richard said smiling. Yeah okay then see you tomorrow Richard, Kory said kissing his cheek and leaving to her car and driving off. She ordered her some pizza and invited Richard over and they talked and eat mostly. I gotta go and Kory, Richard said. Yeah Richard, Kory said looking at him. Be careful okay, Richard said. I promise I will see you tomorrow, Kory said. And he lefted.

The homecoming dance is coming up and Kory is going to go with Richard hopefully it will go great.

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