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It's weekend, so I came to Soul Society like what I stated. I visit Ukitake who's been sick.

I peeked to his room.

I can see that he's deep asleep. I got inside and put the medicine and snacks on the table. I sat in front of him, putting the blanket over his body.

"You never change.."
I smiled while combing his hair with my hand slowly.

"You can't get sick like this again... you have to be healthy. If you're like this, what'll happen to your squad."
I muttered to myself.

"I better get going."
I kissed him on his forehead and left.

*Ukitake's POV*

"I better get going."
She said softly.

I like being taken care by her. But suddenly, she kissed my forehead. I twitched. When I heard the door closed, I immediately sit on my fuuton. Face as red as a tomato.

"What was that?"
I said to myself.

*Ami's POV*

I went to visit Rangiku at her office. But I found a mad Toshiro with three pile of paper. Rangiku isn't there.

"If you're looking for her, she's not here."
Toshiro sighed and begin to work again.

"Well, let me help."
I sit on Rangiku's table and begin to work.

In a few minutes, I'm done with all three piles. Toshiro stared at me in disbelief.

I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

He stared at his paperwork again.

"Well then, bye Toshiro~"
And I ran to the 3rd squad.

"Hey, is Kira in his office?"
I asked the 3rd seat.

"Yeah, lieutenant is in with lieutenant Matsumoto."


I went inside without knocking.
"Rangiku, I've been searching for you everywhere!"

"You did?"

"Well, what are you guys doing?"

"Discussing about today's meeting."

"About what?"
I said, taking the cookies at the table.

"You don't know?"
Kira questioned.

And I took a sip of Rangiku's tea.

"He said you'll train all the squad."
I spat my tea.

I ran to squad 1 captain's office and barge in without knocking. I did knock off two guards outside.

"You can't do this without my permission!"
I said angrily.


"Answer me old man! I don't want to train them! You're not even telling me the reasons! And what good is it for me?!"

"Ami! Have you gone mad?"
Toshiro came in and try to get me out.

"No! Let me go!"
I said, venom sensed in my tone.

Toshiro surprisingly let go of me.

"Tell me old man!"
I said in demanding tone.

"Captain Hitsugaya, can you give us a minute?"
Yama-jii finally spoke.

Toshiro did what he asked, leaving the two of us.

"I will tell you all. For not asking you, I am sorry. And why I need you to train them, there is a possibility that Ywach have awaken. Stronger than before. He collected every single powerfull quincy into his army. We need to get stronger right away! And as for your benefit, I think I could manage to get your friend, Ichimaru Gin out of the jail. What do you say?"
He asked me, still sounding so calm.

"If you release Gin, then I will. I will train all people from squad 1 to 13."
I can see his mouth twitching, he's smiling.

"You will train the captains and their lieutenants too. If you could, get as many soul reaper as you can to gain bankai. I'm afraid we don't have much time."
My eyes widen at his statement.

"Wait.. the captains and lieutenant too?"

I sighed, keeping all the questions aside.

"Okay, let's made this deal official."
I pull out a roll of paper.

"This document can't be destroyed, burned, or ripped."
I said as I put a seal on it.

I pass it to him and he also gave me his seal.

"I hope Gin could get out at least tomorrow morning. Nice having business with you, Yama-jii."
I smiled at him, leaving the room.

Suddenly, someone pulled my hand, made me fell.

"What the hell Toshiro?!"

"Sorry. But, tell me what happened after I left the room."

"I can't. It's between me and the old man only. Bye~"
I shunpo-ed to my house.

I gave my hell butterfly a command,
"Tell everyone on squad 13, that training begin tomorrow at 5 a.m sharp. The training will be held at the district 70 east rukongai."

"I will."
With that, she left.

Tomorrow Gin will be released...

I thought to myself, smiling.

Rangiku is gonna be thrilled!

I had dinner and went straight to bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow.


👉the next day👈

It's 4.45 just a few of them arrived. I haven't seen Ukitake. I sighed.

This won't be easy...

It's 5.00 everyone is here except for Ukitake. An irk mark appeared on my head.

Where the hell is he?

"Well, as I said. The training begin at 5 sharp. Lets begin."
I said, sighing.

"But captain Ukitake haven't arrived."
Some dude called out to me.

"Kid, what rank are you?"
I said, shunpo-ed in front of him real fast.

"10-10th seat, ma'am!"
I eyed him up and down.

"Listen, all of you!"
I said, standing at the first place I stood.

"I don't care if he's here or not. I already informed that the training begin 5 a.m sharp. And anyone, anyone who got late is sooo... dead."
I smiled at them.

Like how Unohana smiled. I can see them shivered and some had fear in their eyes.

Maybe that's too much.
I chuckled to myself.

"I've spent 3 minutes telling you this. Now got into 4 line facing me, quick!"
I ordered them.

With Rukia as the lieutenant, standing at the front of 1st line, the female 3rd seat, Kiyone standing in front of the 2nd line, the male 3rd seat stood in front of the 3rd line, and some dude standing in front of the 4th line. I'm guessing, he's the 4th seat.

"Now sit!"
And they all sat down.

"I'm guessing, all of you already knew your own zanpakuto's name, yes?"
I got a nod from all of them.

"How many of you have achieved perfected shikai?"
All of them raised their hand.

"How many of you have achieved bankai?"
No one raised their hand. I sighed.

This will be hard and long...

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