The First Battle?

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I smirked at him. An irk mark appeared on my head. I'm getting irritated at how this guy act. He really underestimate me.

This guy.... really...

I fought with him untill I felt...


I screamed as I went forward to his place.

Seeing his torso got cut into two. I stood there in rage, sadness, and despair. The guy from before tried to stop me but I killed him. It all begin again.

My hair, my eyes, my clothes. All turned bloody red.


I called out to him with rage.

He was about to do the finishing blow that could turn old Yama into ash.
His eyes now staring at me, smirking in amusement.

"Little girl? You're still alive! How delightful!"
He laughed.

"I'm not a little girl!"
I growled.

As I was about to attack him, something hit my neck from behind. I turned around.... Kisuke?

My consciousness slowly drifted out. Before everything turns to black, I screamed,


I can feel my body being carried away from the battle by Urahara. Tears dripped from my eyes.

Sensei.... he's dead...


I woke up some time later inside squad 4 barracks. Those scratches in my body is already healed. By Unohana, ofcourse.

I've been asleep for.... 10 minutes. Nobody is in the room. It's empty. But I can hear the noises from outside very clearly. And I could sense Ichigo's spiritual preassure. But... he's alone. Not with Inoue or Chad.

I rise slowly from my bed. Heading outside the room to know how everyone's doing. I can't sense Urahara's reiatsu anymore. Maybe he's gone to Hueco Mundo, doing some research.

I opened the door revealing a very busy hallway. Unohana isn't here. Probably preparing Yama-jii's funeral. I flash stepped towards squad 1 captain's office. I've regained my original strength back. I should thank Unohana later.

I opened the door and saw Sajin, Soifon, Unohana, Shunsui, Toshiro, Shinji, and Ukitake inside. Stood there surrounding Yama-jii's zanpakuto. Broken zanpakuto.

I walked inside, receiving looks from everyone. I kept my face as stoic as I could. Can't break down infront of them can I?

I sighed and touched the zanpakuto and muttered,
"Stupid old man, you promised me to win didn't you?"
And showed a faint smile towards it.

The zanpakuto, Ryuujin Jakka, burned my hand. But I don't care about the pain. I felt happy instead. It felt like te old man is scolding me.

I took a step back, now facing everyone in the room. Keeping my stoic look again.

"Well, squad 0 won't keep quiet about it."
I said to them, sighing.

"Squad 0?"
Sajin asked me, confused.

How did he doesn't even know about it? Well....

I sighed and explain to him,

"Squad 0 is like gotei 13. But in a different number and strength. They are the guardian of the Soul King, that's why. Even with only 5 members, they're more powerful than all the captains inside this room. Well, except for me I guess..."
I whispered the last part.

But they seem to ear it cos' Toshiro asked,
"What do you mean, except you?"
I sighed again.

I sighed a lot today.

"I... was asked by their current 'head captain' to join them in squad 0. But because I have to live in another world, and can't meet anyone as I like, I refused."

That was... more than 50 years ago.

They simply nodded and didn't say anything. But I remembered the question I wanted to ask,

"Where's Yama-jii's corpse?"
I asked all of them but stared at Shunsui's face.

All of their faces looked nervous. Heck, Ukitake was even sweating.

"You see... that man... didn't just go like that. And destroyed his corpse into thin air."
Shunsui tried to explain.

My body felt a shock in the chest but ignored it.

"Is that so..."
I muttered and turned my way to the exit.

"Well, I have something to do in squad 4. And.. thanks Hana-chan for healing me. I'm fine now."
I glanced at them before disappearing to squad 4.

How's Renji doing? How's Rukia? How's Byakuya? How's Gin? Kenpachi? Kira? Hisagi?



I found out that Renji and Rukia's surgery went well. But Byakuya is still in a critical situation. They survived thanks to my clones doing the first aid healing business.

I went to my squad to find Kira covered in bandages. He's also in a critical condition cos' of protecting Rangiku from enemy's attack. When he woke up, he refused to stay there and went to our squad instead.

He's really pale. Liquids traveled down into his hands. Bandages all over. And he's asleep.

I smiled softly and kissed his forehead gently. Went outside the room and went to where I hide mom with both of my butler and maid.

I undid the barrier and saw the three of them laying on the ground sleeping. The food remains untouched. Probably too worried to eat.

I picked mom up and placed her gently on the bed. I did the same for Hiroto and Takase. Even tho Hiroto is a guy, he's not so heavy.

After doing another barrier around the house, I went to Yama-jii's old house in the rukongai. Opened his old drawer and found an old dusted book. He trusted this to me if he dies.


That's what the title of the book is. Inside, there's some secret for battle. Attacks, defenses, tricks, secrets.

I read and study all of it intently. Not leaving a single word. I was too focused that I didn't sleep until the next morning.

It seems that I fell asleep inside Yama-jii's old house. Still sitting on his sofa with the book in my lap. I still feel so sleepy but I managed to open my eyes widely. Looking outside the window, I saw the sun already rose.

I took the book with me and went to my office in squad 3. Kira is awake and already had his breakfast. Which reminds me that I haven't. But I don't have time for that, too busy.

I checked up on him and the others in squad 4 before actually went to my own secret hideout. My personal hideout that was hidden under the garden of my house. Nobody knew about it. Not even mom.

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