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The guards opened the gate for me to come inside the healing squad. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. Nervousness is all I feel inside my brain.

"Oh, you're here faster than expected."
Shunsui who is unexpected by me is standing near the gate with Nanao.

"I don't know that you're coming too."
I said to him, hiding all the nervousness.

"Yea, he's inside with the other captains, I just wanted to wait for you."
He send me a flirty smile, pervert.


The two of us got inside, leaving Nanao in front of the door. I can see all the captains but I didn't see Yama-jii.

I muttered to myself as I got stares from everyone in the room.

"Good, now everyone are here."
Urahara said, but not looking at me.

He's.... ignoring me?

I clenched my fist at the thought.
Then, Urahara opened a long suitcase with three different colored liquid.

"As what Yamamoto-san asked me to do, I've created the liquid that'll help the training of all officers in Soul Society."
He stopped to see our reaction.

Well, their reaction, he's not even looking at me.

"These liquid can be multiplied by the 12th squad. And now, I'll tell you the difference between the three liquid."
He grabbed the 1st jar of blue liquid.

"This blue one, will help them to perfected their shikai. Pushing their consciousness to their zanpakuto world. And... you know the rest.

As for the purple one, it'll help their strength and endurance during the training. As for the red one, it'll help them aquire bankai. But it's still... kinda dangerous for unprepared ones. I suggest, only give it to those who have the most potention.
That's it."

"How could he...!"
I can hear Mayuri grumbling in anger.

Yama-jii didn't ask him to make such potion and asked Urahara instead. I think I get how he feel.

"The one with no questions could go, right?"
I asked no one in particular.

I got hurt even more if I stayed. No one answered.

"I take that as a yes. Thank you, I'm leaving."
I bowed to them and immediately leave.

I felt sad and hurt that he actually pretend that I'm not there. I can feel my eyes become watery. I looked up to hold the tears that threaten to spill and sighed. I thought our problem is finished when he came to my aid when Kensuke kidnapped me.

I flash stepped to the assembly hall, where Gin and I supposed to meet. I can see him standing in a human clothing. He looked weird. But still looked good.

I called out to him.

"Let's go."
With that word, I opened the senkaimon and went to Karakura Town.

Long story short, we already had lunch and now looking around the mall. Searching the dress for tomorrow's ball.

We stopped at a suit store. Gin's getting in. Starting to choose between suits, tie, and shoes.

"Wait, you're invited by the old man to the ball?"
I asked him.

"Yeah, he told me to come too~"

"Aww, that old man is still soft on the inside."
I said.

I should thank him later.


After done choosing Gin's attire, we went inside a dress shop to find my attire.

"This one?"
He shook his head.

I went in and changed into another dress.

"This one?"
He shook his head and his hand made the sign 'X'

"Uuuhhh.... this one?"
It's the 8th dress. And he finally nodded in approval.

When I came outside the fitting room, Gin already paid for the dress and the heels.

"You didn't have to. Ugh, I can pay it myself."
I groaned.

"It's a thank you gift for getting me out of jail."
He whispered the 'jail' part.

We got back to Seireitei at noon. And we had dinner. Talking about what'll happen at the ball tomorrow. And I think he's looking forward to meet Rangiku.

👉the next day👈

I spend the day doing all kinds of things to make myself pretty. I went to a salon in Karakura. They styled my hair nicely. And I had my make up done. I'm finished half an hour before the event started.

And of course, Gin is ready too. We decided to go together. The event started at 7 p.m. Both of us got there late cos' Gin forgot where he put his tie at. We arrived at 7.10. Dressed nicely.

The thing is, squad 1's stairway are way too long. I can't run properly in this gown and heels. I opened the door, hand in hand with Gin. I don't want him to be treated any different from me.

Along the way, every officer of squad 10 and 13 bowed to me in a fearful manner. I chuckled at their behaviour.

I can see Byakuya sitting down on the same table as Kenpachi and Unohana. The table next to theirs is Ukitake, Shunsui, Soi Fon, and Sajin. And the next table is filled by Shinji and the Vizards. While the lieutenants are sitting pretty far from their captains.

I found a table with my name and Gin's name on it. So we sat there. Right in the middle of the captains and lieutenants table.

I can feel stares at our direction. And Gin tensed up. I patted his back and whispered,

"It's okay. You'll be fine. I won't let them do anything to you."
I said softly.

Then he smiled at me and continuing to smile until the MC or Kon in a handsome new made gigai appeared.

"Welcome! To Soul King's festival! I'm Kon and my friend, Kim, will lead the show tonight. And I must say... Ami-chan~ you look so pretty tonight."
His flirty attitude is still there.

I glared at him and he stopped flirting.

"Now, our Captain Commander is here to say his greetings."

And Yama-jii stood in the middle of the stage and said,
"This year's festival is here. I have nothing to say. Have fun."
He smiled his rare smile to us.

We all cheered and clap.

Slowly, the music begin to play.
"Let's eat."
I said, standing up.

Gin followed me and we walked together to the buffet.
The food is so delicious. Taste like Kuchiki manor's chef cooking. Maybe Byakuya helped with the food.

We picked the food quietly in line. In front of me stood Shinji.

He greeted me.

"Hey, you look.... good."
I said to him, eyeing his clothes.

"Thanks. You look awesome."
He said to me.

"You had no date?"
I joked him.

"Yeah... I was asking Orihime, but.... she refused."
He frowned.

I laughed and said,
"Serves you right. Hahahahaha..."

"Not funny!"
He said to me seriously. But then he smiled.

Me and Gin eat the dinner with a happy heart and mind. Half an hour later, Ichigo and the others just arrived. Wearing tuxedos and for Inoue, a dress.

Looking at Inoue and Rangiku, I felt jealous. They're so pretty. And look at me, I'm average compared to them. That made me feel kind of insecure about how I looked tonight.

So after chatting with the two of them, I sat on the bar alone.

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