Chapter 14 || Travelling with Pervysage || Year three

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  [Y/N]'s POV

I sat on a couch and began reading jiraiya's sensei's book, Tales of a gutsy ninja. I took a liking in the book. The plot was amazing and the main character is amazing. Just like HIM in the future. I felt a chakra presence behind me so i looked back. I saw Jiraiya with a mischievous smirk on his lips. What's this pervert was planning?

"[Y/N]~! I want to show you something~!" He said and pulled out something i am so curious about, The Icha Icha Paradise.

"What's that? I know it's a book okay." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and grinned at me.

"It's my famous and awesome book! The Icha Icha paradise! I noticed you like books so how about you try this one?" He said and i rose an eyebrow. Oh god i am so excited to read that book. Maybe.... It's not worth to try right? 

"Lemme see it." I said and handed me the book. I gulped and opened the first page... 

"I hope you'll like it!" I heard him yell and went to the back yard to wash the laundry.

[TIMESKIP Brought to you by: [Y/N]'s Innocence! Oh god i am so evil! xD]

I only have one word in mind while reading this book..... It's freaking....... Awesome! Well... Blame my curiosity! hehehe.. Well... JUST BACK TO THE STORY!! I saw jiraiya sensei gaped at me and grinned.

"I knew you'd like it!" He yelled and i hummed in response. 

"Dinner's ready. come on." He said and i went to the kitchen. 

"So~! You're already 11 years old huh?" He said.. Breaking the silence.

"Yeah.. I missed the village." I mumbled.

"Don't worry, Months left and you're ready to go. But you need to travel by your own now. I mean we're so far away to Konoha. It will take like Months to travel. Not to mention you're turning 12 after 2 months." He said. I grinned to him.

"Yeah! I am so excited!" I yelled and continued eating and i just heard him chuckle.

"Tomorrow, I'll teach you some advance jutsu!" He said and i nodded.

"On the way home, we just generally talked. He, about how he wanted to go and work in some big corporation I can't pronounce right, and I, about how I didn't know what I wanted to do. It was easy. I didn't really have to think much about what I had to say next. I could even rib him a bit and he didn't mind as long as he could rib me back. As I got out of the car, he asked me for my number. "I'll call you", he said. But I knew better than to expect that he actually would. He did call. But then I was confused. He asked me out to dinner, but was it a date? Or did he feel guilt pangs over saying he'd call me even though he didn't intend to? And then the inevitable question. Was it a pity date? I don't re-" I was interrupted when jiraiya snaps his fingers in front of me.

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