Chapter 21 || Sadistic Kunoichi

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Silence filled the air as we walked under the bright blue skies. I glanced at everyone seeing their minding their own business, except for one. I know kakashi sensed the two too, But kept his cool and pretended like He sensed nothing. Silence continued until Sakura decided to break it.

"Ne, Tazuna-san." She said.

"What is it?"

"You're from the country of the wave right?"

"What about that?" He asked bluntly.

"Ne, Kakashi-sensei, Are there also ninjas in that country?" Sakura asked.

"No, There are no Ninjas in that country. But while the culture and customs of other countries might be different, Hidden villages and Ninja's do exists." Kakashi sensei said and continued on explaining everything to Sakura until their topic went about Hokages. I didn't listen at all after all I already know what he's gonna say.. Speaking of it..

"Woah!! Hokage-sama must be a great man!" Sakura cooed and smiled sweetly.

'Is that old geezer really a great man as he says he is? Sounds fishy.. Huh..' I thought smirked while imitating Sakura's inner voice in my thoughts. I also saw Naruto stopped walking and crossed his arms. Sasuke just scoffed silently.

"Oi." Kakashi called out and the two flinched.

"You all just doubted Hokage-sama, didn't you?" Kakashi said and the two furiously shook their heads.

"N-No! Of coarse not!" They said and I snickered earning a glare from the two.

"Yeah right."

"[Y/N]-chan! You're so mean! You doubted him too, Didn't you?"

"I didn't. Hokage-sama is a great man. I know it and Kakashi knows it as well.." I said and shrugged. Old man Hokage is really a great man. Letting you travel with the Two Geezers.. Ah, What good Perverted Old man...

"Don't worry, There's no battles involved in a C rank missions." Kakashi said and patted Sakura's head.

"So we won't meet any foreign ninjas huh?" Sakura wondered and I saw Tazuna flinched a little. I can say Sasuke Sensed something the way He look at Tazuna.. Smart Uchiha..

We continued walking until I felt someone walk beside me. I glanced at my left, It was Sasuke.

"Yo, Sasuke."

"Hn." He responded. Seriously, If I met Itachi along the way with his partner, I would like to ask an Uchiha dictionary from kisame. I mean how could he survive with that guy..

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