Chapter 6

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'I knew you didn't leave.'

With that he turned his back to me and left. How did he know? Did he feel my presence or was it just a guess? I don't know why, but I feel like I shouldn't have just let him walk away when he is like that. Should I go after him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid or stay here and be bored? I would say that it's an easy choice, right?

I got outside and saw him. Standing in the middle of the road. A car was driving towards him. The car wasn't stopping or slowing down nor was he moving out of the way.

'Evan! Move! Please!'

I shouted in my mind, but he didn't move out of the way and took no notice in me, even though I knew he could hear me. The car hit him and he flew across the road. His head was all bloody and his arm was in an impossible angle. The driver ran out of his car to him and said:

"How didn't I notice him in time? If he is dead, it's my fault and he probably is." The driver's voice was scared and full of sadness. Evan's eyes were still open and they stared into space, but they weren't living person's eyes anymore, but a dead person's. His corpse was laying in the middle of the road, bloody and damaged. His messy hair, all bloody now and his clothes were ripped from the tarmac. His motionless body laying on he road, dead. I could've protected him and keep him alive possibly, but I wasn't in time. 

I went closer to his corpse and kneel down to his level. A crazy thought came into my mind, but I wasn't sure if it would help, but it worked in sleeping beauty. Except she was just sleeping and not dead. But I got to try and I kissed him.


Sorry! Sorry! The chapter is short, I know, but I don't know what to do with the story! Please if anyone has any ideas please comment

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