Chapter five

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Chapter five - Evening Stars

Adonia's POV

I was standing on the rooftop to our apartment,comfortably leaning over the brick balcony as i gazed at the stars. They were so beautiful and we barely got to see them much in New York.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air as a delightful shiver ran through my spine.

The sound of shouting brought me back to reality and i realized it was Amelia's voice i had heard.

I pushed away from the balcony and entered the building,walking down the staircase steps to get to our third floor apartment. Once i walked into the hallway leading to the apartment i saw Ed angrily stomp out the door with a murderous look on his face.

I have never seen Ed this upset.

Scratch that.Pissed was the word i was looking for.

Soon Amelia's loud cries were heard and i sighed loudly throwing the long messy strands of my hair out of my face and stumbled into our apartment with my eyes scanning through the lounge,finally finding Amelia on the floor,a lump formed in my throat.

I closed the door behind me and slowly approached her shaking form.

"What happened?" i spoke softly and sat in front of her,i watched her head raise with tear soaked cheeks and puffy red eyes.

"Ed thinks i'm cheating on him with my fucking boss! can you believe that asshole" she gritted out angrily.

So much drama.

"Why would he think that?" i was curious to know why he would accuse his beloved.

"Well you know the last few days i have been working late because my boss has this huge party his throwing next Friday at his house to welcome some clients and it just so happened he tried to kiss me in the office today,It had to be the that moment Ed walked in with the recent partnership agreements and he got the wrong idea.He didn't evens stay long enough to realize i was pushing Mr Henry away" Amelia looked like she was going to have a panic attack soon,her bright blue eyes were wide and teared up.

"Oh no" i grabbed her hand giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Let me guess,you tried explaining what had really happened and he wouldn't listen?" I pressed my lips tightly together.She rolled her eyes groaning.

"Of course. You know how stubborn men are and Ed being the most stubborn one i met didn't help my situation. Urgh! why won't he just listen" she threw her hands in the air with frustration before tugging on her short red strands of hair.

"And that is why i hate relationships.Look sweetie if there's any advice i could give you it would be if his not listening his not worth your tears okay?" I wiped her tear soaked cheeks and watched her chuckle as she sniffled and took in a deep breath.

"You know what? Fuck Ed.Your right,my tears are precious they like fucking gold and diamonds, which he can not afford just by the way" she beamed with attitude. I burst out laughing and shook my head with a raised  brow.

"Your absolutely right,now let's make diner. I'm starving and we could have a glass of that expensive wine your boss gave you" I stood from the floor and pulled her up with me.

"I don't feel like cooking tonight.How about we go eat out at this really great restaurant i know and get a little tipsy" her eyes were wide in excitement and a large smile crossed her flushed face.

"That sounds grand.Let's go toots" i tried an accent causing a fit of giggle from Amelia.I grinned and turned on my shoes and headed to the door only to be pulled back by Amelia.

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