a teasing touch 2

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Authors pov:

Laurent: " you've got ten seconds to run... and if I catch you larry...you better be not have anything on or I will make your night alot worse. Understand?"

Larry was speechless...he didn't know what to say, so he nodded his head up and down. He felt like he was going to be eaten alive by the big bad beast in just a matter of seconds..laurent noticed this, and unfortunately...there was nothing that was going to stop the beast..

Laurent:" good..now run"

Larry obeyed doing just that. He ran around the corner while laurent counted out loud. His heart was pumping and in Larrys mind he wondered what in the bloody hell did he just summon. Larry finally reached their room and he locked the door behind him. His back was leaning against the door and sweat dripped from his forehead. He panted in the air and repeated told himself that his not scared.

Larry:"I'm not scared, I'm not scared, I'm not a punk, he doesn't scare me, I'm the boss not him..I'm the best not him. I'm ca blaze! Not him! Im-"

Laurent took his time walking to there bedroom. He took off his belt gripping it in his hand. He twisted the doorknob only to find it blocked, and Larry just remembered he never took off his clothes. He cursed himself mentally for not following orders. But then he remembered that nobody is the boss of him. So why should he be scared? After all its just his brother. Right?  Laurent pounded on the door a couple times in an angry manner. He got sick of Larrys pouting , his whining, Larry wanted him, Larry is going to get him.

Laurent:" open this fuckin door larry!!"

Larry:" never!! You not the boss of me asswhole!"

Laurent:" call me that one more time- open this door now!"

Larry: " or what!!.....asswhole"

That's it. Let the games begin. Laurent backed up a couple of paces. Larry snickered thinking he won since he never heard anything. So now Larrys ego was being stroked.

Larry:" yeah punk! Walk a-

Suddenly laurent's foot met the door kicking it open. A loud bang was heard through out the house and now Larrys was landing on the floor hard. The door swung open and Larry was on the floor,legs spread out,  his mouth open in complete shock. Larry new he messed up.. he squirmed away from laurent whose left hand placed on his hip, his right hand down by his side where the belt was being gripped hard. Larrys back his the walk and his breathing increased as he looked Up And  watched the beast stand between the doorway with an evil smirk placed apon his face. Oh what Larry would do to slap that smirk off.

Laurent:" didn't I tell you to take off your clothes? You want me to be rough with you don't you?"

Laurent chuckles as he steps closer and closer to larry who was still on the floor. Laurent bent down to larrys level grabbing the back of his hair yanking his face closer. Larry winced in pain as the grip on his hair got tighter. Laurent's minty breath hit Larrys face as he talked in a low seductive voice that he new Larry couldn't resist.

Laurent: " do you like my rough side larry? "

Larry couldn't control his body anymore. It's like it took over instead of his mind and soon Larry found himself replying to his question by nodding his head up and down saying yes. Laurent smiled pulling Larry by his arm standing him up.

Laurent:" pull your pants down and place your hands on the bed. And don't move an inch."

Larry:" w-why?"

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