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Authors pov:

What is being brave? Is it trying to swallow as much pain but still putting on a fake smile thinking it's nothing?
Or is it gathering enough courage to tell somebody how you feel, weather it's good or bad? There is more than one definition of brave and Larry new this all to well. Sometimes, the people who are hurt most emotionally, are usually being brave.

When people hold in all the emotional hurt in their heart, they try to be brave and move on...but most of the time it doesn't work like that...they explode.

Authors pov:

Larry admired the powerful lighting strikes outside his window, he stood there in the dark...motionless his face remained blank showing no sign of emotion, the only thing that could possibly give away anything was his watery beautiful brown eyes that soon was turning dark as the night outside.
He inhaled and puffed out his chest, ignoring the pain the threatened to show.


More lighting striked across  the midnight air one after another. One would think that the gods above must be mad about something. Larry didn't flinch at the sound however, not one tiny bit...he just stood there staring at the angry creations that the gods had formed but secretly thought of the angry hate of lighting as beautiful and brilliant..he loved how each lighting strike was different from the others, almost like snowflakes. Yes it was volts of powerful electricity which is why it may be a good reason to stay inside. But in larrys mind it was different and he didn't care if that made him weird.
Suddenly he felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around his waist and he new who it was. The otherothers footsteps mustve been blocked out by the loud noices of the lighting which is one reason why he didn't hear his twin coming. Another reason is simply because he was in to deep in admiration to notice anything at all. Laurent rested his head on larrys shoulder as his front pressed into him from behind. He inhaled his scent and loved how Larry went from tensed to relax like jelly when in the arms of his brother. Laurent squinted his eyes, trying to focus on what has larrys attention so deeply, he hummed in larrys ear while swaying their bodies back and forth matching the rhythm of the lighting stikes as if they were creating a new dance to it, but Larry continued to stay silent, and that's when laurent new something was wrong.

Laurent: "hey, what are you thinking my brother? Talk to me" he said with a worried tone.

Larry: "I'm fine.."

Laurent: "you don't have to be brave larry, you don't have to put up a wall and give me that fake response of I'm fine.. be real with me. "

Laurent new Larry very well, after all they air twin brothers. You spend twenty five years with someone you would hope that eventually you new them well enough to figure out when something is wrong or not. Larry only closed his eyes not wanting the tears that would Sting his face to come.

Larry: "nothing is wrong my brother..just leave me alone"

Laurent: it's funny how brave people are the ones who are always hurt. They put up a mask hiding their hurt from the world, but Larry you don't have to do don't have to hide from me...tell me what's wrong, if you don't tell me I cant help you."

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