@The_Sa-ss-a-ssin part 2

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It was the next day and I was in English class. I sat down in one of the many desks by the back and while I waited for class to start I saw Two-bit walk in. He walk towards the back and sat next to me. He gave me a grin and I smiled back. "Class get out your book and go on page thirty-seven." Mrs. May said. "After you get to that page I want you to read by yourself." I start to read the book assigned to us until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Two-bit gave me note.

I was wondering if want to go the drive in with me at 7 '0 clock?

After I read the note I wrote the word yes and handed the note back to him.  I continued with my book thinking about my date tonight.

Later in the day I was at home getting ready. I looked at the clock and it was almost seven. I headed out and started to walk to the drive in. When I got there I saw Two-bit leaning against the wall holding cokes and popcorn. "Follow me." He said. I nodded and started to follow him but we where walking in the opposite direction of the drive in. "Isn't the drive in the other direction, Two-bit." I said. "I told you to go there so we can get some food and drinks but now we're going to the park." He replied. "Oh ok." I said. As we kept walking Two-bit would tell story's which where entertaining.

When we got to the park we sat down at the bench. "The sky is real pretty tonight." He said gazing at the stars. "Yeah I wonder what it's like in space." I replied. "Well I know that space is airless." He giggled. I started to laugh a little bit and then he looked at me. "You never told me why your books where in the janitor's closet". He said. "Well I annoyed this girl by playing a game and then we got in trouble by the study hall teacher because the girl yelled at me, and we almost got detention". He started to laugh a little bit and put his arm around me. "How do you play the game." He asked. "Ill save that for some other time". I said smiling. "Don't be a tease Alexe." He replied. "Well I ask the person questions and they have to say yes every time, but if they say no I'll win and they lose". "How do I win?" He asked. "If you keep saying yes and I give up on asking you questions before you say no." He just nodded he head and looked at the ground still having his arm over my shoulder. "Do you want to play that game?" He asked. "Later we can." I said.

After a while of talking Two-bit walked me home. "I had fun." I said. "Well I'm glad you did because I did." He replied smiling. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked him. "You mean two questions because that was already a question." He replied. I rolled my eyes playfully and asked, "Are you a rock?" He looked at me weirdly and said, "last time I check I wasn't so no." I giggled a little bit and said, I win." "No fair I didn't know that we were playing that game. Let's have a rematch." "Sorry I can't me house is right there." I said pointing at the house right in front of us. "Well tomorrow then." He replied. "Fine with me." I said and then I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walking into my house leaving Two-bit with the biggest grin I saw him have all day.

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