Sodapop request

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For @Random_Legitness  My first Sodapop request!

I was at a diner with Sodapop but I notice he seems different. Maybe worried or stressed? If he was I didn't know if I should ask him, cause it might make things worse. "Are you alright?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He replied. "I see our shakes coming."
"You seem like your worried or stress." I told him. The waitress came to our table and gave us our shakes. Soda sighed and looked at me. Something had to be up with Soda for him to act like this. He's usually more happy and more talkative. We finished our drinks and went for a drive.

I was looking at the scenery when Soda said "I've been drafted."
"What?" I asked in disbelief.
"I found earlier this week but i didn't know how to tell you." He replied. "And what if i die while in combat and-"
"Soda things will be ok. We can write to each other." I said.
"When I come back from war, I'll be coming home to you." I smiled at the thought and looked at him.
"Soda I know you'll come back from war so don't worry. Also I'll be waiting for your arrival back." I replied. He seemed a little bit better then before.
"When I come back I'll be your war hero and no one will mess with me!" He shouted. I chuckled and I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I love you Soda." I said.
"I love you too Harper." He replied. He turned around and drove me home. We talked about other things to get our minds off of war. Soda did seem way better now then earlier after we talked about it a little bit. As Soda drove up in my drive way I gave him a kiss and said, "Don't worry you'll be back before you know it."
"I just hope I come back in one piece." Soda replied. I gave out a small smile and got out of the car to go back to my house.

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