Chapter 3

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I decided to take Marcel to the lunch table where me and my friends sat because I didn't want him sitting alone. Whenever I see a person sitting alone, I feel sympathy since that's how I spent most of lunch period during middle school.

When my friends saw me and Marcel, things got awkward. "Hey guys, do you mind if Marcel sits with us?" I asked. They smiled and nodded, but I know they would rather have Annoying Ann, who had the most annoying voice ever, sit at our table than Marcel. Whenever Marcel wasn't looking, one of my friends would give me a crazed look, like I had a fucking penis on my head. I would just roll my eyes at them. Marcel might not be the most hottest guy in the world, but I'm sure he's nice.

I turned to see how Marcel was doing, he looked very sweaty in that sweater vest, and it's 80 degrees outside. "Um Marcel? Are you okay?" I asked him. "It's kinda hot in here, my collar's chafing" he replied, fixing his collar. "There's no AC in the cafeteria" I tell him. In a flash, he took out a calculator and started pushing buttons. "According to my calculations, it's approximately 81.348 degrees in here" he said, setting his calculator down. I saw my friend roll their eyes and mouth "nerd", but I was impressed. "Wow that's so cool, you know the exact temperature" I said, patting his shoulder. Marcel smiled a little at me.

"So..Marcel..Where ya from?" Laura asked, actually making an effort to talk to Marcel. "I'm from a small town in Ohio, not much people live there" he responded. I saw my friend Gina pretending to yawn when Marcel glanced the other way. "That's cool, was it lots of fun there?" I questioned. "Oh yes, I studied lots of things and I even dissected a small shark!" he answered excitedly. I saw Laura and Gina making puking faces to me. I gave them a dirty look to tell them to be nice.

I headed to the lunch line, Marcel was behind me. "What's for lunch?" Marcel asked. I looked at the lunch menu. The line for Tuesday said "Mystery meat with steamed carrots". I groaned a little and told Marcel today's lunch. He shriveled up his nose a little and I laughed. Marcel wasn't that bad, he was a pretty nice kid.

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