Chapter 16

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On Monday morning, Marcel and I walked into Mr. Parker's classroom, holding hands. I saw everyone stare at me and gasp. I also heard lots of whispering. I guess people can't believe someone as attractive as Marcel would date an unpopular girl like me. All of a sudden, a crumbled piece of paper hit my head. I turned in the direction and of course, there was Mackenzie, raging with jealousy. She gave me a dirty look and I just smiled, not giving a fuck.

While Mr. Parker's lesson on the Holocaust, I was blowing kisses to Marcel. I looked in Mackenzie's direction, and she just rolled her eyes at me. I wouldn't blame her, our relationship was a bit annoying to watch. But haters gonna hate, especially Fake Mackenzie. I passed a couple notes to Marcel, just having normal conversation, leaving out any lovey dovey stuff.

After class, I walked out with Marcel, heading to my locker. Marcel looked at his watch and said "Uh oh, I have to get my science textbook so I can study for the test seventh period". I nodded and gave him a goodbye kiss. I opened my locker and out fell a little folded pink piece of paper. I picked it up and read it.

"You better stay away from Marcel or you will be sorry..."

Well that was threatening, but I knew exactly who this was.

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