Day Before

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This chapter takes place on January 11th. The day before their wedding.
Tris POV

I wake up and realize today is the day before the wedding. I shake Collin awake in excitement.

"What's going on Tris?"

"Its the day before the wedding Collin!" I say super excited. He smiles.

I make us breakfast. My phone rings twice after breakfast so I answer.


"Hey Tris" He says excitedly.

"Hi dad." I say barely containing myself.

"Can you guys come over to dauntless head quarters?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say and he says see you in a few and we hang up.

"What was that for?" Collin ask.

"My dad wants us at dauntless headquarters." I say and Collin agrees. We get in the car and drive.

* *

Once we are there I drag my tank in behind me and Collin follows. My dad meets us at the door. He leads us to the lunch room where I had eaten cake with Christina, Zeke, and my dad.

He turns on the lights and Christina and Zeke are holding gifts and yell surprise! The room is filled with Balloons and streamers along with some dauntless trainers and initiates.

"Congrats guys on your big day tomorrow!" Zeke says excitedly.

Collin smiles and as do I.

"Thanks guys!" I say excitedly.

Collin holds my hand tighter.

"You guys did this for us?" Collin ask, acting chill but I know he is excited.

"Yeah! We were excited for you guys!" Christina said walking up to us. Zeke follows. Christina hands Collin a gift and Zeke hands me mine.

"Before we get to unwrapping stuff how about some cake?"

"Yes!"yelled Zeke.

"I'd love cake." Collin said with a smile as bright as the sun.

"I'm in!" Christina and I said at the same time.

We set our gifts down on the table and Zeke cuts the cake and give my dad the first slice.

"I love cake. Dauntless cake to be specific," Dad says.

"We know Dad," I say.

Dad just smiles and digs into his cake. I laugh and everyone gets a piece. When everyone gets a piece, Dad is getting seconds.

I laugh as I go sit next to Collin.

We eat our cake and then they let us open out gifts.

Collin opens his first. It is a Rolex Watch.

I unwrap mine and it is necklace shaped with an Infinity covered in rinestones.

"Thank you guys so much!" I say. Collin helps me put it on.

Everyone comes and talks to us while there is a refreshment table and we open small gifts from some of the Dauntless trainers.

After a couple hours of talking and partying, we head to the park to hang out together after we get me a new tank.

I sit on the bench and it reminds me of the times Collin and I ate lunch here before we were 16. It also reminds me of me being not able to breathe when I was with Collin. It triggers a PTSD flashback.

It was me and Collin and I am in severe pain. I can't breathe. My vision is blurry.

I don't know how long I am like that but I wake up in Collin's arms, on the edge of the bench facing the ground.

"Tris. Tris are you okay?" He says.

I am breathing hard but I manage to answer, "yeah... I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Do you wanna go home?" He ask. I look and sit up. I look at Collin.

"No. It was just an attack and I'm not going to let it ruin today. I am happy and not going to let it ruin it." I say.

"Good." He says and hugs me from beside. "I love you." He says and kisses me. I feel the feeling again. It's electricity.

After we seperate I say, "I love you too." Smiling, showing my braces.

He scoots closer to me and takes my hand. I lean my head on his shoulder.

We sit like this for a while.

After a while we go home and watch a movie.

We hang out for the rest of the day.


Thanks to @Wild_Rebel_Child for helping me and writing some! I have MAJOR block! Bear with me here!

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