Chapter 5

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I sat under a tree, at a park next to my house. I sighed, wiping the tears from my eyes. I wish I was a different person, living a nice, happy life. I scratched my scars in self pity, until they started to bleed.

I hate this.

I hate it all.

I turned on my phone, just to find a whole bunch of texts from Andy. Most of them were from yesterday, and a couple from today. I decided to just delete them all, and not read them.

I rested my head back on the back of the tree. I was tired. Tired of everything. Tired of life.

"Hey!" Someone said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I opened my eyes to find a tall guy, -with black hair that almost covered his intense blue eyes- standing right in from of me.

"Uh, hi?" I frowned a little. Why was he talking to me?

He sat next to me. "You're Violet, right?"


"I'm Johnnie." He smiled.

"Hi.." I replied shyly.

Then it hit me. "You're one of the guys that hangs with Andy, right?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, that's right."

"What are you doing here?"

He shrugged, "I'm not feeling this whole 'school' thing today."

"Oh." I nodded.

"What are you doing here?" He curiously asked me.

"I wasn't feeling the whole 'school' thing either."

He nodded understandingly. We sat in silence until he spoke up again, "Wanna hear some music?" He suggested.

"Sure." I nodded. He took out his phone and plugged in his earphones. He he put an earbud in his ear, and gave me the other one. 'When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city, To see a marching band....'

"Oh, that G note. Gets me every time." I said, quietly.

"Right!!" He agreed.

"Love this song." I smiled sadly.

"You have good taste in music." He chuckled. We sat there for a while just listening to music. And I actually enjoyed it.

He looked at his phone, "Oh, I gotta go." He got up. "It was nice hanging with you." He smiled down at me.

I nodded and smiled. "Likewise."

"Maybe we can hang out again another time?"

"I'd like that."

He gave me his phone, and I put my number in it. He said goodbye, promising he'd text me later, and then he left.

I sat there for a while longer just staring at nature. I watched the birds fly around, wishing I was bird, and  be able to fly from this town.

I didn't want to go home, but I had to make dinner for dad. I didn't want him to get even more upset at me -I couldn't afford that.

I sighed, picking up all my stuff. And I made my way home -slowly.

Maybe I should runaway.

But, to where?

I sighed sadly.

No money.

No place.

No family.

No life.

I decided to make spaghetti, since it was easy. I knew how to cook. I was just lazy.

I sat there waiting for him for a long time. I checked the time, seeing It was already nine, and he hadn't come home. I wonder what happened. Is he okay? Eh, yeah, he's probably drunk.

I decided to eat a little, and then I went upstairs. I laid on my bed, letting the darkness take me away. I loved to sleep, you could escape from the nightmare called reality -even if it was just for a little while.


I was startled awake, by someone pulling me out of my bed -by my hair. I screamed in pain, as I landed on my back.

"Get up, bitch!" My dad yelled. I could smell the strong stench of liquor on him. I couldn't help it, I started to cry.

"You don't deserve to cry!" He punched my face. "You deserve to die!!" He screamed.

I sobbed, of course I know that. He punched me hard on my stomach. I gasped in pain.

"You're pathetic." He spat, and left me there on the floor.



Yes, I am.


You guys like Johnnie Guilbert? I think he's really cute😊

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