Chapter 18

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My head was pounding and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep. I groaned loudly when I tried to move. It felt like I had an elephant sitting on my body.

"Violet?" I heard someone say, but they sounded pretty far away.

"Violet?" I was pretty sure it was my angel from before.

I groaned again. The pounding in my head seemed to multiply by 100.

"Violet, babe." Someone grabbed my hand. "Come on baby, open your eyes for me."

I tried. And I never knew how much work it could be to do such a simple task.

"A-Andy?" My mouth felt dry and I started coughing.

I finally opened my eyes, and the first person I saw was a very very worried Andy.

"Violet?" He noticed that I opened my eyes and he smiled.

He sighed in relief and hugged me. I couldn't help but whimper. I was in pain.

He quickly pulled away and the look of worry washed over his face again.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded slowly. But, I was far from okay.

He handed me a bottle of water and I gladly excepted it. While I was drinking, I noticed we were in the nurses' office.

"Who did this to you?" His features turned from worried to furious. "Tell me."

I looked down, refusing to meet his eyes. "I-I don't know."

I could tell he didn't believe me.


"I can't remember." I cut him off. "Can I go home?" I asked, not wanting to stay any longer here.

"Violet." He sighed. He was going to say something else, but decided against it. Instead, he grabbed my hand, and brought it up to his lips and kissed me softly.

"You want me to take you home?" He asked softly.

I nodded, finally looking at his eyes. "Please." My voice wavered. He nodded, kissing me softly on my forehead.

"I'm going to talk the nurse. I'll be right back." He said, getting up.

The nurse came in, with Andy right behind her. She checked my wounds, and asked how I was feeling. I lied to her and told her I was fine, and that I was just tired, hoping she'd let me go soon. She asked me who did it, but I told her I didn't know.

I'm beginning to be such a good liar.

I don't know why I didn't say who it was. I just felt like it would make it worse if I told anyone who did it, so I just kept it to myself.

After about 10 minuets, the nurse told me I could go, and gave Andy permission to take me home. Andy helped me up, careful not to hurt me. And all the way to his car, he never took his hand away from mine and I could tell that he was watching every move I would make.

The whole car ride was quiet. I didn't feel like talking so I rested my head against the cool window and closed my eyes.

Andy intertwined our hands together, making me smile. But my smile faltered when I remembered the events of today.

Why my?

What horrible things have I done to deserve this?

Why couldn't people just leave me alone?

Bad Boy Meets Sad Girl ( Andy Biersack )Where stories live. Discover now