Chapter 8

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*Abuse and self-harm in this chapter. If you are easily triggered, please don't read. This is my first and last warning.*

"Thanks for today." I told him. He was driving back from our long day at Disney.

"Anytime." He smiled.

"Where do you live?" He asked. "I'll drop you off."

My eyes widened. "Uhh... Y-you can drop me off at school, I live close by." I told him, hoping he would just drop me off at school. "I'll just walk."

"No." He said. "It's dark. I'm not dropping you off there."

"No, really just drop me off at school-"

"Violet." He warned. "I'm dropping you off where you live. And I'm waiting until you get inside. End of discussion."

I sighed, "Fine." I caved and told him where I lived. I just prayed my dad wasn't home.


"Well, here we are." Andy said. I looked around, for any signs for my father. He didn't seem to be here, thank God.

"Thank you for everything." I told him. I was gonna open the car door, when he grabbed my hand.

"Violet," He said. "I want you to call me if you need anything, okay?"

I nodded, "okay."

"Anything," he repeated. "Even, if you think it's something stupid, it's not, just call me."

I smiled and nodded again. "Thanks, Andy."

I sprinted to my house, and quickly opened the door. I waved goodbye to Andy, and like he promised, he was waiting until I got inside.

"Where have you been, bitch?!" Someone screeched, once I closed the door.

"I, u-uhh, d-dad." I stuttered. "I didn't see your car."

He slapped me so hard it made me lose my balance, and fall to the ground. "So where have you been?!"

"N-nowhere just s-studying." I sobbed.

"Sure you were." He snickered evilly, "I saw that boy! You were probably getting knocked up, you little whore."

"I'm not like the girls you bring." I spat back, through my tears -I should've just kept my mouth shut.

He grabbed me by my neck, pulling me up. I looked up at him in shock, as his grip tightened around me. My airway passage was closing, and I could barley breath. I looked at him in the eyes, they were full of hate -this is not my father, this was a monster.

I didn't even put up at fight, what was the point? He was bigger and stronger than I was. I was a lost cause.

I kept staring at my so called "father," even when my vision stated to blur, and I was starting to see black spots.

Something snapped in his face, a look of realization washed over him. His eyes widened, and let go of me. I fell to my knees, staggering for a breath. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked back at me. He looked around panically. And before I knew it. He was out the door.

What the heck? He forgot to finish the mission.

I sat there for a few minuets, trying to get my breathing back to normal. I tried getting up, but knees kept buckling from underneath me. I had no other option but to crawl up the stairs to my room.

It took a while, but I finally made up to my room. I went inside the bathroom that was connected to my room.

I looked through my cabinet for my secret box. I smiled sadly when I found it. I rested my back on my bathtub and opened the box.

There laid five beautiful long razor, I picked one up and stared at it -my beautiful escape.

I rolled up my sleeve And stared at my old scars -I was doing so well.

I sighed, pushing the blade down on my skin, creating a newly fresh wound. Blood ran down my arm, and for some reason it helped me breath. I couldn't help but make more scars. And more scars. And more.

I started to feel light headed, and that's when I realized, I had made too many. I started to panic, which made things worse.

Well, I guess since I wasn't chocked to death by my own father, I'll just finish the job myself, I thought to myself. I closed my eyes, waiting to be enveloped in a cloud of darkness.

"Violet?" I heard someone say. "Violet?"

Is this the end? Is that an angel?

"Violet?" The angel had such a beautiful deep voice.

"Oh, fuck," my angel cursed -what kind of angel curses? "Violet!"

I felt myself being lifted, and some warm arms wrap around me. I felt something press against my wrists, but I didn't think much of it.

"Violet, stay with me." The angel said. The angel sounded so sad, that I wanted to cry. "Don't die."
The angel choked. My breathing started to slow down, and I felt so cold.

Didn't my angel know?

I want to die.

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