Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The room the High Queen had lead her to was massive. It could had held at least four or five of her old bedroom and still have room to spare. It was lovely as well, with its white paneling with gold accents. The fabrics in the room were mostly in creams and golds. Sarah stood at the door as the High Queen walked past her and farther into the room.

Queen Evera turned to face her, "well, what do you think of your rooms, my dear?"

Walking into the room slowly, Sarah looked around the room in shock, "I've never seen anything like it before."

"Personally I prefer the rooms of the Castle Beyond The Goblin City. They are much more cozy and homey." Evera smiled at her, "how much have you been able to see of the Castle, Sarah?"

Sarah hung her head slightly, "nothing really. Just the kitchens really."

Evera frowned, "I need to get you upstairs, but I doubt "Jenna" would be a good idea.". She then waves her hand causing the door they had entered through to slam shut and locked.

Sarah glanced at the shut door behind her.

"Don't worry about that, My dear. I want to be sure that son of mine won't learn of our secret." The High Queen began to pace in front of the wall of windows.

"Ma'am, I understand it would be a good idea that I know something, but.."

"Sarah, dear, I have no doubt you're trying to be polite and make things easier on me, but you need to know where things are in that Castle."

"Ma'am, I wasn't saying that, but won't Jareth learn that I've been hiding in plain sight at some point?"

Evera frowned, "I actually hadn't thought about that. It would be a good idea foe the goblins to know the truth, but I'm not sure about my son."

Sarah nodded, "I forgot about that. He would probably not take the news well."

"Oh, he would hold it against me for an eternity, but I'm sure he would forgive for hiding you after a while."

Sarah glanced around the room, "so when exactly is he getting here?"

Evera walked over to her, "he won't be arriving till late tomorrow. So you don't have to worry about anything. Relax and enjoy yourself."

"How long do I have off exactly?"

Evera laughed, "Sarah, don't worry. The Cook took you because I asked him to, and if I ask for you to come to the Palace, he couldn't say no. Although, I am fairly certain he wasn't too happy to do as I asked."

Oh, he hadn't been. Sarah still remembered how he had been trying to rein in his anger as he told her that the High Queen had requested her to come to the Palace for awhile. Since of course, he and her were still working on the recipes the King had given them.

Evera walked to the door, "well I'll leave you to settle in. Don't worry about dinner tonight. I've informed my husband that you needed some extra rest, but you will dine with us tomorrow. I'll try to come check on you before I retire." She opened the door, "oh, yes, Adeline, your maid, will be here with your lunch shortly. Be kind to the poor thing. She has just finished her training to become a lady's maid."

Sarah nodded, "yes, ma'am."

Evera nodded, "well, then hopefully I will see you later this evening. Enjoy your vacation, my dear." She then walked out of the room.

Once the door was shut, Sarah let out a massive sigh. Why wouldn't Queen Evera tell her how long this "vacation" would last? Yes, she needed a break, especially after all those balls, but she wasn't sure she wanted to be semi-trapped in place she didn't know. At least, she had her friends at the Castle.

Sarah walked over to the windows and pulled back a panel of fabric to look out. What was she really supposed to do? She glanced around the room. There didn't seem to be anything to do for entertainment. Not even a single book.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Sarah turned away from the window, "come in."

The door slowly opened and a small girl with pointed ears, clearly an elf, walked in. She curtsied once she was fully in the room, "M'lady, I'm Adeline. Her Majesty has requested that I am to be your lady's maid during your visit."

Sarah gave the girl a smile, "I've been informed."

The elf woman stood up, "Her Majesty suggested that I give a small tour of the Palace and some of the Grounds, Unfortunately, she has a prior engagement."

Sarah nodded as she walked over to the woman, "she explained before she left. Please lead the way."

The elf gave a quick nod, "this way, M'lady." She began to walk back out of the door.

Sarah followed after her. Well, at least she wouldn't be bored out f her mind now.


High Queen Evera sat in one of the arm chairs in her private sitting room. In the other sat her husband. As she had a week ago, the High Queen was serving tea.

High King Diedrick lifted the tea cup to his lips, "How is the girl fairing, dear?"

Evera held her tea cup and saucer gently in her hand, "she seems to be doing fine. The tour was an excellent idea. I hadn't thought about doing something to entertain her."

Diedrick gave his wife a slight smile, "I had assumed that our son had by fallen for someone like his mother, and we both know how you reacted when I brought you here."

"Hmph, more like dragged. I was in charge of one of the most important kingdoms, and you decided that I needs to live here."

"Now things haven't been that bad have they?" He gave her a full smile. That damned smile that made him look oh so innocent. She knew better than to believe that.

Evera sighed. Hopefully, Sarah would have a better time in dealing with Jareth than she with his father. After a moment, she knew better. The poor girl was doomed.

"Jareth is still angry with us."

"The boy got what he wished. He should be thanking us."

"Diedrick, he's upset because in a way we took Sarah's choice away. Not even you tricked or forced me to marry you."

Diedrick sighed, "I know. I do feel bad about it, but I could nit allow him to loose everything."

"I know. The child still needs to admit what she feels. She may fear him, but she loves him as well."

The High King shook his head, "I hope you're right, and we haven't forced our son into a loveless marriage,"

Evera gave him a smile, "oh, I am. Otherwise, she wouldn't have made it through the Labyrinth."

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