Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The Kitchens were almost completely empty. The plates had all been sent out, and the servants were semi-relaxing, but there was already chatter about what was happening in the ballroom among all the servants.

Sarah wasn't paying attention to what the others were saying. No, she was sitting on the steps that lead from the Kitchens and out to the gardens. Even though there was a massive ball going on, it was so quiet and peaceful outside. Well, until she could hear Hoggle grumbling to himself as he apparently was coming closer.

He rounded the corner looking not too happy about something. He looked up and saw her, still looking rather grumpy. He mumbled as he came up to her.

"We got to get somewhere more private than this. I've got to tells you something important."

Sarah frowned at him, "what are you going on about?"

"Come on you. It's really important, " he gestured away from the stairway.

Sighing, Sarah stood up, "alright what's going on?"

Hoggle gestured again, "We need to get away from here first."

Reluctantly, Sarah walked down to him, "lead the way then, Hoggle."

Hoggle turned as quick as he could and headed back the way he had come, with Sarah following behind him. Sarah shook her head as they walked to a small grove of trees a fair distance away from the steps she had been sitting on.

"Hoggle, what's wrong? You look worried."

He nodded, "I am. You need to attend the ball. The Rat's holding it in your honor."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, "so what if he's holding the ball in my honor?" That explained the dishes that the Kitchens had to prepare.

Hoggle sighed, "if you don't go, the entire Goblin Kingdom will be the laughing stock of the entire Underground."

Sarah frowned, "so why would that be bad?"

"Bad?! It woulds be horrible. He may be a rat, but Jareth's the next High King. If he looks even a bit unfit, who knows what would happen."

"What does that have to do with the Goblin Kingdom? Wouldn't it be a bad idea for anyone to stand against him?"

Hoggle shook his head, "you don't understands. There's people who would loves to have Jareth fails. If he looks even a bits weak, there will be challenges against hims for the throne." He sighed and then mumbled, "he may be a rat, but he's a good king."

Sarah knelt down in front of him, "Hoggle, what exactly could happen?"

"He would lose everything."

"It's that bad?"

"I think he hasn't even though you might not come."

Sarah slowly stood up. She could not go and cause how so much trouble for the Kingdom and him, or she could go and deal with her questions. Sighing, she looked down at her feet.

"Well, come on feet. We've got a ball to get to."

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