Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

The Castle was in an uproar. Things weren't looking so good for the Labyrinth it seemed. The invading army had actually somehow breached the outer wall. Sarah didn't need to see the fear in the goblins' eyes to know that was bad. She did what little she could to keep moral up, but it wasn't easy as "Jenna."

"Jenna" couldn't do much. Most in the Castle paid the cat goblin little mind, and since she had been moved to the Gardens, she felt like she couldn't do as much as she wanted. "Jenna" was really starting to become annoying. Already, the High Queen had sent word, though Hoggle, not to do anything stupid. She was to remain in hiding, for the time being.

Sarah took her anger out on a poor weed as she pulled it out. Her anger had never gone well for whom ever she was angry with, but this time it was herself. After all she was in this whole disguise because of a fear. A fear that there had been no need. Jareth would never had harmed her. Oh, she knew that now. True at the time both she and Hoggle thought he would do something because of her winning Toby back, but more than likely he would had done something to show her he wasn't like what he had acted like then. Of course, now because of the Fae attacking the Labyrinth, she had to hide.

The Gardens were horrible, and Sarah was beginning to hate working in them. She pulled yet another weed. Well, they weren't actually horrible. Here she was out in the fresh air instead of the smoke filled Kitchens, and yet she hated every minute of it. Could it be because she couldn't hear the all the gossip? Maybe.

But she did know that something had happened. Something not good, and she knew that she had to help fix it. What ever it was.


How?! How was it possible? How had the fools breached the outer wall of the Labyrinth? As carefree as they could, the enemy army was walking within the outer stone maze. It was fun in a way to watch them walking around in circle, but that didn't stop Jareth's anger.

The enemy army had been inside the walls for weeks now, and hadn't yet discovered the secret of how to move within the stone maze. Hopefully that would continue, at least a while longer. The Goblin Army of course had no problems traversing the Labyrinth to attack the invading army. Already there had been several successful skirmishes.

Things were still looking favorably, but Jareth was worried. They shouldn't had been able to have gotten past the outer wall at all. Something was wrong. The Labyrinth had just never just allowed someone within its borders for no reason. Of course, he had no idea as why it would allow an invading army within its borders.

Sighing, Jareth moved away from the window of his study. The Goblin Army would continue to use ever tactic they could to defend the Labyrinth. Even more so when the enemy made it beyond the stone maze.

Jareth walked over to his desk. He needed Sarah. She would not only help to motivate everyone, but he could leave her to the running of the Castle to her, while he was out in the field. Of course, his mother was still refusing to tell him where she was, by saying it was better if Sarah remained in hiding for the moment.

Sitting down in his chair, Jareth leaned forward and placed his face into his hands. Even after all the battles and wars he had fought, he highly doubted he could do this one alone.


Hoggle moved around the food stores. There was enough food to last the entire kingdom years, which was always good, especially, with a war going on. Magic was such a wonderful preservative.

On the home front, things were going wonderfully. On the front lines, well he had heard some mixed stories. True, the Goblin Army had experienced successful attacks, but the invading army seemed to know a few of the Labyrinth's tricks.

Could it be that some of the Fae within the Kingdom were helping? There were a few women who were still voicing their dislike of the King's choice of bride. Would they put the entire kingdom in danger, thinking that it would change Jareth's mind?

Sighing, Hoggle glanced out the door of the store house. Fae were at times fools, but he would give the ones living in the Labyrinth a benefit of a doubt. After all they were like him and all the other none goblins, misfits and, most had been banished, because the monarch of their first kingdom had felt they were not good enough for their kingdom. The Labyrinth welcomed all, as long as they forgo-ed their old loyalties. After all who would remain loyal to a kingdom that no longer wished your presence, when Jareth treated you so much better?

Shaking his head, Hoggle headed to the door. He looked out at Sarah, who was working in the field. She wasn't happy. He had a bad feeling Evera was planning something, and it involved Sarah.

Of course, she wasn't going to tell him. No, he would be in the dark. For once he didn't want to be. The Kingdom needed Sarah. More than ever. "Jenna" need to go. Now.

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