Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The Goblin Army were patrolling along the Wall of the Goblin City. Within the City there was now a curfew, but it was hard to enforce because of how full the city had become over that last few weeks. There just wasn't enough room to fit everyone. Tents were pitched in almost every available spot.

The enemy army had advanced, but of course, they were still going in circles. The Goblin Army had fought more successful skirmishes against them. Morale was a bit low, but from what Sarah could see no one had given up. It was almost like they were refusing to give up, which made Sarah smile.

Sarah was slightly happier. To help with the influx of refuges from the Labyrinth, she had been moved back to the Kitchens.

"Jenna, take that soup to the line!" The Cook bellowed. He was directing the Kitchen staff like a drill sergeant.

Sarah lifted up a massive pot filled with soup. They were making a lot of soup lately because it was easy to make and fed a lot of people. Slowly, she carried it out the back door and made her way towards the City Square.

There were long tables set out through out the Square. Some were filled with goblins, Labyrinthine creatures, and soldiers, and the others were filled with food. Mostly soups and breads filled those tables. Not all of the food was coming from the Castle Kitchens though. There were a few citizens who were helping to feed the refuges.

Sarah removed one of the empty pots and placed the new one in its place. Carrying the empty pot, she returned to the Kitchens. She past it off to the small crew of dish washers, before reporting back to the Cook.

"You back, Jenna? Good. I need you to take this tray," he gestured towards a tray with a silver cover, "to the King. Be sure he eats it. He hasn't been eating much these last few weeks." He sighed for moment, "we need Lady Sarah. Where is she hiding?"

Sarah walked over and lifted the tray, "where exactly is the King? I haven't been any where else in the Castle but the Kitchens."

"Don't worry about it. The Castle will take you to him. Then get back down here. I need you to help get more food ready. We still have to feed the entire Castle."

Sarah nodded before taking the tray out of the Kitchens. She walked up a small flight of stairs to the main level of the Castle. She turned away from the Grand Entrance doors and headed deeper into the Castle towards the Grand Staircase.

She couldn't help but to look at the walls of the corridor as she past. It didn't look as bare nor as dusty as it had before. Of course, she hadn't come this far back into the Castle, but it seemed that the entrance was just as grand from the glanced she had taken. Sarah finally came to the decision that it had been spelled to look bare during her run, as she began to climb the massive staircase.

She wasn't sure how many flights of stairs she had climbed before the stairs stopped. Looking at the tiny hallway before her, Sarah frowned. There was only a single a single door. What had the Cook said? The Castle would take her to him. Hopefully, he had been right. Stepping into the hallway, she could hear voice coming behind the door, and she knew both of them.

"I need her, Mother!"

"Jareth, dear, she's safer where she is."

"Morale is down. They know they are fighting for her, but it's hard to fight for someone you haven't seen in awhile."

Sarah walked up to the door and knocked.


Slowly, she opened the door, "your dinner, Your Majesty."

Jareth turned towards her slightly, "thank you, Jenny. Please place it on the desk."

Queen Evera turned and frowned slightly, but didn't say anything to her.

Sarah placed the tray on the desk, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I was told to be sure you ate it."

Jareth frowned, "who told you that?"

"The Cook, Your Majesty. Everyone's worried about you."

What had she said that had caused such a reaction? Oh, of course. Someone could try to poison him, but the Cook himself always prepared the King's meals himself. He never allowed anyone else to prepare them. Only a select few were even allowed to deliver the meals to the King.

"Jareth, just use the detection spell. I highly doubt the Cook would send someone he didn't trust."

He frowned at his mother. Gesturing over the tray, Jareth sighed, "it's clean."

He turned pack to Sarah, "I'm sorry, Jenny."

"I understand being suspicious, Your Majesty."

Jareth nodded, "you may stay so that the staff knows I'm actually eating."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Queen Evera smiled slightly, "then I'll leave you to your dinner, Jareth." She disappeared in a shower of glitter.

Sighing, Jareth walked behind his desk, "you can take a seat as I eat, Jenna."

Sarah nodded before taking a seat on one of the two sofas. She watched as Jareth sat down and removed the silver cover.

"He had to make this. He knows I don't like it."

Sarah tried to see what it was, but she couldn't see because of where he had placed the lid.

He looked over at her, "please remind the Cook not to prepare Beef Wellington for me."

"Yes,Your Majesty."

Lifting his fork full of food, he frowned, "I'm surprised my mother wasn't as surprised to see you in the Castle. I know she had you moved to the Gardens."

Sarah tried her best to remain expressionless.

"She did after all send you here to watch over me."

"If she did, Your Majesty, wouldn't I had been made a maid and not have been put in the Kitchens."

He blinked, "true."

The room fell silent as he continued to eat.

Had he really thought she was some spy for his mother? Ha. If he knew the truth, it would be funnier. At least, to her.

When he finished eating, he looked up at her, "Jenna, are you happy in the Kitchens?"

"For the most part, Your Majesty."

He frowned at her, "you can ask to be transferred if you wish."

"I'll remember that, Your Majesty."

Jareth nodded, "alright, but remember you can ask to me move."

"I like the Kitchens, really."

"Ah ha, well, you can take this back down. I have no doubt the gossip chain will soon be pleased."

Sarah stood up and gathered the tray. As she walked to the door, he stood up. She glanced over her shoulder as she walked out the door, but he didn't even look in her direction, which didn't bother her at all. After all he had so much on his mind. Once she was clear of the door, she used her foot to close the door. Sarah turned to head towards the stair case, but someone stood in the way. Someone very angry.

"What are you doing back in the Kitchens?"

The High Queen of The Underground stood with her hands on her hips. She was not very happy, and now the Lady of The Labyrinth had to face her.

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