Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Things were dire within the City. Food from the Castle Kitchens was no highly rationed. Most servants and citizens still fed from the Kitchens only had one meal a day. The City was quickly becoming depressing. It was a thick fog settling over the Labyrinth. The people were slowly beginning to loose hope.

Sarah was beginning to truly hate the person behind the army outside the City Walls, but she was becoming angry with a certain Goblin King. Now she was completely out the loop. She knew just as much as the normal citizen and not as much as the future queen should. Jareth hadn't even sent her a note, or a message through Hoggle or Sir Didymus. In fact, she hadn't seen since she had Hoggle had delivered the news about the food stores.

Leaning back against the outer wall of the Castle, Sarah sighed. The Kitchen staff was now essentially jobless. The Cook alone cooked the meals now. He rarely needs anyone's help. So now Sarah didn't have anything to do.

Hoggle walked up to her, "not you too."

Frowning, she moved away from the wall, "not me, what?"

"Everyone's looking so glum. I'm starting to fear that they will start demanding Lady Sarah's head."

"That won't do anything. I'm beginning to think this was has nothing to do with her."

Hoggle frowned, "I hope so. She hasn't done anything to deserve this being pinned on her."

Sarah nodded. She hated having to talk about herself in third person, but the secret had to be kept. Jareth's not asking her to take off the coat told her quite a bit. There was nowhere safe to take the damn thing off.

Hoggle moved closer to her and whispered, "he still hasn't talked to you, has he?"

She shook her head no. That hurt the most, but she did slightly understand his pushing her away. Not that she liked it or wanted in. Sarah truly wanted to know what was going on; so she could help him. He shouldn't have to carry this burden alone, not when she could lessen it.

Sighing, Hoggle shock his head, "we need to do something. We can't let them starve us."

"We just have to have faith His Highness has a plan."

Hoggle nodded, "you're right."

They stood by the wall as a few maids walked by whispering.

Hoggle glanced at Sarah and whispered as soon as they were out of sight, "I'm surprised he hasn't moved you upstairs."

"It would call attention to me, Hoggle," she whispered.

Hoggle nodded.

She gave him a slight smile, "I know you're worried, but we can only have hope this ends soon."

That was really all they had now; because they could only wait and see.


Where was he hiding? High Queen Evera stood inside her husband's study, looking out towards the general direction of the Labyrinth. The army around the Palace was at least half the size it had been, but not the because of a battle. No, the enemy army had slowly been lessening, and she feared that they were moving against Jareth. He would attack their first, thinking he had an advantage.

"You know your visit wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, Love."

She turned to face her husband, "I had to warm him."

King Diedrick walked up to her, "I know."

Evera fought back tears, "there will be no leniency this time."

He nodded but remained silent. Gently he wrapped his arms around her, "he will face the consequences, Evera."

She pulled away slightly, "thank you."

King Diedrick frowned, "for what, Love?"

"For not saying this is all my fault."

"It's not your fault, and don't you think that."

Evera shook her head, "I should have never asked you to only exile him."

King Diedrick pulled her closer and rested his chin on top of her head, "this is not your fault. Tynan is the only one to blame."

Queen Evera began crying into her husband's chest, while her husband tried to comfort her. This was not going to be easy to deal with, but she would have to face it.


The anger he had felt before was nothing compared to now. His people were suffering, and they were starting to blame Sarah for it. They still believed this was about her. Well, they would because he couldn't tell them the truth. His "uncle" had been removed from the memories of the Underground. So no one would remember him, but he had shown his agents and general a portrait his mother had given him with the copies of the logs.

Jareth rested his forehead against the window of his study. He wanted to see Sarah and not in that damn coat. Did she hate him or was she still angry with him?

Closing his eyes, he sighed. He wanted to tell her everything. She deserved to know everything as future queen. Sarah needed to know none of this was her fault. This war wasn't because of her, but there was no safe way to tell her.

Opening his eyes, he moved away from the window. His address hadn't been as uplifting as he had hope, but it was the best he could do. The farmers and gardeners were doing their best to grow food for the kingdom, but even he knew that whatever was harvested in the coming weeks would be enough to feed everyone. They would still need to ration food for months to come.

He glanced at the short note on his desk from his father. His father had told him that he was to deal with his "uncle" as he saw fit. The High King had more or less said to execute the bastard when he was capture, which of this point Jareth wasn't sure he could not agree with his father, even if his mother was against the punishment.

This "uncle" was going to pay for this war, but more so for the crime, he had committed centuries before. After all, the Labyrinth never forgot when someone harmed one of its citizens.

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