chapter 21

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chapter 21-Filled In

(3rd p.o.v)

Ryuu drummed his fist against the ground lightly, not for any real reason just because he was bored. 

He was in a small square cell set into the wall with countless others lining both the wall he was in and the wall opposite him, each with one unfortunate Kekkei Genkai user in them.

"So who feels like talking?" Ryuu finally called out.

"I will," someone a few cells off to Ryuu's left replied, a girl, by the voice.

"Oh good," Ryuu smiled scooting over to the bars and sticking his head out, looking down the line to where a hand was waving toward him. "How long have you been here?"

"A few months," the girl stated. "They like pitting us against each other, or in one kid's cases, pitting his powers against others. You fought them yourself."

"So that was a Kekkei Genkai huh?" Ryuu asked. "Makes sense. So this is basically another base like that other group's."

" were there?" the girl asked, hope evident in her voice. "Did you see my sister, Kurai?"

"Yeah," Ryuu nodded. "But, I'm sorry. She and another one, someone that could bring Genjutsu to reality, tried to break free. From what I heard, the base was completely destroyed by a self-destruct Kekkei Genkai. No one lived. I was transferred before then so I'm afraid I can't tell you what happened. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," the girl sighed. "I have her ability. And there's another kid here that had Shikotsumyaku. If he dies, we've agreed that I break out with his corpse. We're going to escape."

"Anyone seen the warden?" Ryuu asked.

"It's a guy wearing a mask," the girl stated. "No one can tell how strong he is because he doesn't fight."

"I see," Ryuu nodded. "Well, I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. So what kinds of powers do the rest of you have?"

"I can teleport," one of the boys across from Ryuu spoke up. "My silent friend here sends ultrasonic waves when he speaks that can be lethal if hit directly."

He gestured to the cell to his right before the man in the one on his left stepped forward, feeling the bars then reaching through it, a cloth covering his eyes.

"You have to help me!" the man pleaded. "Don't let them take me!"

"What now Benjamin?" the teleporter asked.

"Don't let them take me, please!" the man repeated.

"Is he okay?" Ryuu asked.

"He sees the future sometimes," the teleporter stated. "Keeps his eyes covered so he can't see the present and future at the same time. It would create unending hallucinations."

"How's he fight?" Ryuu asked.

"When not having a vision he's a sensor," the teleporter stated. "He-"

He stopped as there was a loud clang and the sound of a shutter opening. Everyone backed away from their bars, Ryuu following their example, and a moment later, a pair of scientists stopped on the floor before Ryuu's cell. 

After a moment, they were standing in front of it on a platform that had risen out of the floor.

"You, get over here," one of the two ordered.

Ryuu activated his Sharingan and one of the two scientists held up a black cylinder with a red button on the end. He pressed the button and the walls and floor of Ryuu's cell electrified, sending a massive amount of electricity coursing through his body. 

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