8- Accepted

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Jungkook stood outside, waiting for a certain brown haired male to come. He finally saw Taehyung walking towards the gates, and waved. The older saw him and smiled, half-running to Jungkook. "Hi hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed, clearly excited for the university life. Taehyung laughed at the younger's enthusiasm, and wrapped an arm around his shoulder while nuzzling his forehead against the others. "Hi Kookie." They stayed like that for a while, watching the students pass by.

After Jungkook had gotten accepted, Taehyung, Jin, and Namjoon threw a mini-party for him. It was also the time where Jin and Namjoon came out and announced that they were dating, even though they only met a few weeks ago. Taehyung and Jungkook were glad to see them being open about it, and even high-fived each other because one of their ships became official.

Taehyung started showing Jungkook around the place; they had a few minutes before class started, and Taehyung didn't want Jungkook to get lost. "Aww, class is starting. I'll see you at lunch Jungkook! I'll introduce you to my other friends too!" That was all Taehyung said before walking away to attend his own classes.

The bell rung and Jungkook stood up, walking to the cafeteria. He was quite nervous to meet Taehyung's other friends; what if Jimin was there? Jungkook didn't want his ex-boyfriend to feel awkward around him. Nevertheless, he entered the quite chic building, trying to find his hyung. He was relieved, although also kind of disappointed, when he didn't see any red head hanging around Taehyung. He walked over nervously, observing Taehyung's friends. Taehyung was laughing and talking to a male with black hair and a longish face, and sitting across from the 2 was a guy with his head down, probably sleeping.

Once Taehyung spotted Jungkook, he ran to him while smiling widely. "Hi Jungkook! I'm surprised though, I thought you would've been totally lost without me." Jungkook rolled his eyes and playfully punched the older. They sat down together, and Taehyung introduced him to his friends. "This is Jung Hoseok, but everyone calls him J-Hope." Hoseok suddenly stood up, and jumped up and down. "I am your angel, I am J-Hope!" Jungkook was speechless, but Taehyung just laughed and assured Jungkook that it was normal.

"And this one is Min Yoongi, but everyone calls him Suga." Jungkook glanced at the sleeping guy on the table. Seeing Jungkook's unsure stare at Yoongi, Taehyung chuckled. "Don't worry, he's always like this." Then they all –except Yoongi, of course since he was sleeping and no one wanted to wake him up- walked up to the food counter, and started getting food, Hoseok taking a bit more in case Yoongi woke up and decided he was hungry. As they were eating, Jungkook still didn't see Jimin, and wanted to ask Taehyung. "Hey Taehyung, where's Jim-" He was suddenly cut off when he heard a bright and positive voice call Taehyung's name.

"Taehyung! Sorry I'm late! Who's the new friend... oh." Jungkook and Taehyung both turned around, Taehyung with a smile, and Jungkook with eyes wide. "Jungkook."

Jimin stop hogging the last word of chapters I swear tHIS IS THE 3RD TIME

Writer's block creeping up ughhhh ;-; do you guys get writer's block bc my friend doesn't and I'm so jealous like HOWWW

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