9- Drama

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When you can't make chapter titles so you just write something random down

The ex-boyfriend's stared at each other, both in shock. Hoseok, who was known for talking non-stop, for once shut up, confused on the atmosphere around the 3. All of them were silent, until Taehyung felt his stomach growl, and cleared his throat trying to get rid of the awkwardness. "So guys, I'm hungry. Why don't we eat first, before doing any staring battles, ok?" Jimin glared at Taehyung, but started walking to the counter.

The rest of the lunch was a bit too silent for Hoseok's liking, but luckily time passed by quickly, and the bell that signalled class soon rung. Taehyung said a quick Bye to Jungkook before Jimin pulled Taehyung to their next class, and Jungkook walked off. Yoongi woke up, waved lazily to his friends leaving, and started walking to his own class so that he could continue his sleep.

Once Jimin and Taehyung got their books and sat down beside each other, Jimin glared at Taehyung. They had a bit of time before class would start, and Jimin was going to get his questions answered. "So? Why is Jungkook here?" Taehyung gulped visibly. Did he really want to spill Jungkook's secret? He tried to change the topic ever-so-slightly to how he met Jungkook instead of why he was here. "I went back to the bookstore the day after, and then I found out we both liked Big Bang, and we randomly became friends?" Jimin pursed his lips. "Tae, that's not what I asked. Why. Is. Jungkook. In. Our. School?"

Taehyung gulped again, trying to desperately find a way out, until a brilliant idea popped into his head. "AlvmridjvIwjfmzajHatejslcjwnSnakeuwicmtjdkdkakekf" He said, saying whatever came into his mind. Jimin sighed, and turned his attention to the board as the professor walked in. There was no use asking Taehyung, he would have to ask the younger on why he was here after school.

At the end of the day, Jimin stood up and left, not bothering to say anything to Taehyung. He walked outside, looking around to find Jungkook. When he found him, he quickly strode over, and pulled his arm, to drag him somewhere with less people. "What-" Jungkook said, but Jimin ignored it. After they were behind a building, Jimin stopped dragging, and turned around to face Jungkook. "I'll be brief. Why did you come to this school?" Jungkook froze for a moment. "Well... I uh realized I wanted to do something related to arts, and Tae gave me the suggestion to come here.." He groaned in annoyance. "Jungkook, stop lying." They stood, silent for a few minutes, before Jungkook sighed. "Ok, fine. I came here because you were here, and I wanted to talk to you again. But the art part is true as well." Jimin didn't say anything, and Jungkook was about to turn around and leave, but the older spoke again. "Do you still like me?" He stared at Jimin, before nodding slowly. He heard the other sigh, and tell him the words he had thought about 2 years ago. "You do know that we broke up 2 years ago, right?"

He stared at the older, before looking away. "I still like you though..." He muttered, but he was sure Jimin could hear it, because the orange haired male turned around, back facing Jungkook. "Well, don't talk to me again." And Jimin left, leaving a teary-eyed Jungkook alone.
Updates will be slower (probably once every Saturday?)
Bcuz life is getting bUSY whoo
(And also because I'm lacking so much motivation ugh-)

But tysm for reads and votes I didn't even expect anyone to read this when I started-

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