Trick or Treat

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After the twins ran up to bed I ushered Clemy into the parlor room sitting next to her. I grabbed her hand warmly and looked at her. She had just asked me minutes before about a boarding house for slaves- something so absurd I couldn't fully digest it. I tried to run the idea through my head but it still didn't sound like a good idea.

"Jackson? What is it?" She asked when I had been staring off for far too long.

I snapped out of my trance and looked at her. "I know I just told you you could help me, but this boarding-house..." I said, unsure. Her face scrunched up in frustration as she tried to explain things to me.

"Jackson just hear me out for a few minutes, please? I've watched you slave away out there in the plantation fields. Half of them can't grow a thing, and the sugar cane fields are destroyed. We don't make enough money to set food on the table or to even buy Wes or Anna a present. I'm so happy about this proclamation and I just thought about all of those slaves- even my brother, maybe even my mother and father if i'm lucky- who wouldn't have anything but the clothes on their backs when they are free." Clemy said.

"Yes, but the proclamation hasn't been signed yet!" I pointed out.

"But it will! I just know it will! If we sacrifice our last savings then we can get some wood to build more houses. We've got to make use of this huge plantation, honey. Your father would have loved the idea!" She giggled, cozying up to me. She knew she could always get her way if she cuddled with me.

The house was getting dark so I crossed the room, striking a match and soaking the old logs in the fireplace with lamp oil. The chimney lit up with flames and then it died down to a warm glow. I joined Clementine again on the couch.

"So...? Can we do it?" She asked, eagerly. I looked at her childish grin flash at me, as I caressed her soft cheek in the palm of my hand.

"Fine! But we must be careful! I just want you and the children to be happy."

"We are happy. We just miss you is all." She mumbled into my shirt. Kissing my chest. Then Clementine pushed me down, sitting down around my waist.

"Clementine?" I said, taken aback.

"Shhhh!" She shushed me as she unbuttoned my shirt, taking off my suspenders, kissing my body as she then unbuttoned my trousers as well.

"Clementine..." I said in a low voice, trying to restrain myself from grabbing her. Eventually I laid there on the couch, naked, Clementine stroking my body gently as I watched her undress herself. She always looked so beautiful, and the orange glow reflected on her naked body. Her breasts were taut and perky, her skin like silk.

She sat on top of me again, our bodies touching each other and we exchanged sharp breathes, the air growing hot around us. "I guess... they... were right..." Clemy said in-between a trail of kisses from my hip bone to my neck.

"Who?" I huffed, grabbing her legs and pressing my body against hers.

"Josephine and Sam. They said we're like rabbits." She smiled.

"We're worse than rabbits!" We laughed, and Clemy suddenly fell off the couch from laughing too hard.

"I'm okay Jack." She said, still giggling.

"Okay. I'll just have to come down there with you." I growled rolling over off the couch and on top of her. She squealed as I kissed her body and then finally met her lips. I kissed her for what seemed like ages.The great thing about Clementine's lips was that I never got tired of them.

"I love you Jackson." She said.

"I love you too." I replied. We made love that night by the fire, our bodies kept warm and I searched Clementine's body, finding new things about her beautiful features than I had the last time. She was still a mystery that I was trying to solve. But I loved her to death.


All four of us sat at the kitchen table, Clemy reading the newspaper as I tried to make the kids eat their porridge.

"But it's gross daddy!" Annabelle cried, swirling the spoon in the sloshy grey grain.

"Well i'm going into town today so i'll make sure I get some meat and eggs for breakfast. But no complaining this morning honey." I said, tired. Annabelle gave up and shoveled the food into her mouth. Wesley had gotten over the blandness of the food when he realized that the pantry was bone dry and there was nothing else to eat.

"Oh Jackson! Don't forget that wood down in the market too. You'll have to take the cart with you." She winked at me from across the table, and I couldn't help but think about last night's escapade in the parlor.

"May I be excused?" The twins asked? Clemy let them go after they washed up their dishes and they went to go play in the bayou with Jackson Johnson. I set my breakfast aside and sat next to Clementine then, sliding my hand on her lap, between her thighs.

"Jackson..." She said, lifting her eyes up from the paper I had given her this morning. She raised her eyebrows at me dissaprovingly.

"W-what?" I asked, shying away.

"No more until after you buy that wood." She said, a cruel smile forming as I realized she had tricked me. That little devil.  "I mean, don't misunderstand me Jack, you always make me feel so... good. But, priorities are priorities." She laughed, shooing me away. I got up then, going across the room to grab my hat and slipped my shoes on.

" Your right. You just keep reading the paper and in no time i'll have all the wood you ever wanted. And then-"

"Don't get your hopes up." She smirked, mouthing the words 'I loved you' before I marched out the door, feeling a little dissatisfied but equally amused at Clementine's tricks.

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