Last Day of Being 16

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Word Count: 2112

Almost 2 years later

Its been almost 2 whole years now since I met Violet. Almost the entire pack has learned that she is my mate. Allison had told so many people at school. It spred quickly around the pack. I hated Allison for it but at least none of the boys tried to date her. Plus I still had Aaron keeping an eye on her. She's 16 now and will turn 17 in only a few days. I had bought her something special for her birthday and I couldnt wait to give it to her. I was still training some of the original group of 11. Most of them no longer needed the training but when one would leave, I'd pull in another young member. It was now a group of 12. Violet was no longer part of the group but she and I still had training after school every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

Violet and I had grown very close. She told me everything and I made sure to always treat her right. She still had yet to figure out how to pin me but I knew she was getting closer. Any day now she will figure it out. I was currently in my office with Alex and Fred. Alex was explaining to us how he was planning on proposing to Cassie soon. We were trying to help him come up with an idea on how to do it. 

The phone rings and as they continue talking I answer. "Hello?" I say into the phone. "Alpha Michelson of the Black Diamond pack?" A mans voice asks. "Yes." I say, sitting up slowly. "Alpha Michelson I am Alpha Pete Burns of Greenside pack. I am calling to ask for an emergency meeting." He says. I frown. "Emergency meeting for what?" I ask, now alert. Alex and Fred were now listening as well. "My pack is being threatened by a pack of rouges. You being a neighboring pack I feel it right to call all close packs for an emergency meeting." He tells me this and I nod slowly. "Alright, you are right we must meet immediately." I say, looking to Alex and Fred who are nodding and going through some papers. "Alright. The meeting is this Saturday, tomorrow, at 10am. Looking forward to seeing you there Alpha Michelson." Then he hangs up. 

I frown as I put the phone down. "You sure about that Heath? I mean Alex and I could go. You stay for Violet's party. You did plan it..." Fred says, frowning. I shake my head. "I dont have a choice. I'm Alpha.. I must go." I say, standing as I do. They both nod slowly. I walk past my friends and out the door. Today being Friday I had training with Violet, also meaning I would be giving her a small part of her gift tonight. It was 2:10 and she got out at 3. I had to get there early for a little surprise I had in store. I go up to my room and grab the small box that held Violet's gift. Her other gift would be picked up on my way home tomorrow. I grab my keys and phone then run downstairs and out to my car. 

I pass Anthony on my way down and stop to talk to him. He smiles at me. "You excited for tomorrow?" He asks. I frown. "I would be.. but I have to be at an Alpha meeting at 10... So I will be late for the party unfortunately.." I tell him. He sighs. "Heath it's your responsibility as Alpha to attend. Violet will understand. Besides, she wont care once she realizes the truth." He says, making me smile. I nod. "You're right. Well I have to go. I'm going to the school early to deliver a little something." I smirk and he laughs before walking away. I run out the door and to my car. Time to pick up the first surprise.

I got to the school after picking up the giant balloons and basket of candy. I pull up to the school and go inside. I walk into the office and see Cassie. Cassie had decided she wanted to work at the school a couple weeks after she moved it.  She smiles as she sees what's in my hands. "Should I call her?" She asks. I smirk and nod. "She won't know it's from me." I explain. She looks confused. I sigh. "I wrote on the card 'Can't wait for you to learn who I am little mate.' so I want her to receive it and be shocked. Then tomorrow when I see her, she will know." I say with a shrug. Cassie gives me a sad smile. She knew how much of a hard time I was having keeping this secret from Violet. The girl had stole my heart within the first week of being around her. 

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