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(be sure to watch the amazing trailer above done by brookieismyname xx)



DOCTOR STEVENS HAD HIS hopes high, putting every ounce of faith he had into the experiment. The others had gone horribly wrong; lashing out, incomprehensive, or simply dying as soon as they regained consciousness. Some bodies were incapable of possessing such drastic changes, and they just collapsed. There had been far too many disappointments, but not this time.

No, not this time.

Experiment 748 was hanging from the wall with shackles around his ankles and wrists. Couldn't risk him lashing out like previous ones had. His head down, brown curls falling over his forehead, his body slumped. Doctor Stevens waited impatiently for that little indication that he was awake--a flinch, a chill, a twitch. Any moment now, 748's head would snap up and his eyes would be wide open and alert, and he would be a success.

He would prove those other scientists wrong. They had all laughed at him, made a mockery of him when all the others had failed. He knew deep in his gut, though, that 748 would not fail him. All their taunts and jabs would be in a distant past, and they would all envy him and ask how he had achieved something so impossible.

There. He had seen a finger twitch.

Glee coursed through the doctor, indescribable excitement he merely couldn't contain. He rocked on the balls of his feet, clasping his hands behind his back in attempts to settle down. It didn't work. Experiment 748 had hunched his shoulders, very much awake now as he snapped his head up, confusion lacing his red eyes. He tugged on the chains, even more bewildered when he realized he was immobile.

Pulling on his thick gloves, Doctor Stevens cautiously made his way over, being watched by 748 acutely. He smiled, trying to show his good will as he got closer. The experiment backed away as much as he could, red eyes glowing and wide and almost scared. He would not be scared for long, not when he learned how invincible he truly was.

Doctor Stevens had no time to be careful anymore, simply ready to show the experiment all that he could do.

"Easy," he mumbled, bringing his hands to 748's face. His thumbs went to 748's upper lip and lifted it, grinning maniacally at the revealed canines.

The experiment jerked away, tugged on the chains again and hissed threateningly, but Doctor Stevens was too busy relishing in his enthusiasm to spare him a second glance. He knew this was a far cry from calling 748 a success, but he also knew this was the closest he'd ever gotten. Now he needed to assure the experiment's strength and speed and overall ability to prevail.

To fight and to survive and to win.

He stopped, his back to the experiment as realization dawned on him. He had no idea where to go from here. He would have to convince the experiment that he was one of the good guys, one that needs protecting even. He would not be able to fight off the experiment if he came at him--that was the whole point. They were supposed to be ruthless fighters to be placed in combat and bring home victories, not to have feelings or compassion.

He heard the chains rattle, snapping his attention back to reality. He turned, and right when he did, 748 had yanked hard on the chains and ripped them out of the wall. Doctor Stevens' eyes bulged, and he was stupefied for the smallest of seconds. The strength was clearly there, as it should be, and the doctor was beaming again. He had to shove his excitement away to focus on the potentially dangerous situation at hand. He scrambled around for a sedative. He kept them close by ever since the first experiment lashed out, but he'd tucked them away some place. He couldn't remember what drawer or cupboard they were in.

Another loud snap.

Doctor Stevens was scared to look up.

Determination suddenly swallowed him. He would not die nor would he let this experiment get away with this. He would tame him, make him a fine soldier and respective servant. He would find those sedatives and he'd use that time to configure a way to peace between the two of them.

An understanding.

A large hand gripped the back of his neck, then his head was slammed down onto the counter. A few beakers bounced off with the force and shattered when they hit the tile, and nearly everything else had fallen over or slid to the edge. He still had the drawer open. He was still shuffling his hand around frantically for the syringe.

Experiment 748 was confused, that much the doctor could tell. He hadn't made any more moves, just kept the doctor pinned down. Doctor Stevens realized he wasn't sure if the elevated intelligence had worked like everything else, or maybe it had and that was why 748 wasn't leaving. Maybe it was working out a way of escape.

Doctor Stevens couldn't allow that to happen.

This was his experiment, his whole entire life.

Besides, 748 would have no idea what to do on it's own. He needed to learn and he needed to continue growing his strength. The current war raging in the world would need him, and many others like him, if they ever planned on uniting again.

Doctor Stevens needed the experiment, the success, to steadily create more and more like 748.


His hand had found the syringe in the very back of the drawer. He clutched it tightly.

The experiment must've figured out whatever thoughts he was working through, because he hauled the doctor back up and turned him around, placing his other hand on the doctor's throat. He pushed just the slightest.

Doctor Stevens saw those red eyes narrow and he saw the intelligence circulating behind them. Part of him wanted to wait, to see if the experiment would try to speak to him or if he would let him go or if he would tear him to shreds.

Of course, he didn't want that last option.

So after a moment's reluctance, he raised his hand and plunged the needle into 748's neck. Almost instantly, the experiment's eyes fluttered and he swayed and his hands fell off the doctor, then he dropped onto the floor.

The doctor was grinning.

The world was going to owe him big time for his genius saving them all.

The Inception (Book #1 of The Inception Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now