chapter twenty-eight

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NOTE: I have a new story posted! It's my first non-fanfiction, and it's called Catfish! Check it out on my profile if you wanna ;) I've been busy with it, which is why this update is so late, so I apologize for that. Enjoy xx 

also this chapter is UNEDITED. I was in a hurry to get it up for you all.



THE NEXT MORNING, THE group is divided on what comes next. Liana and Locke suggest residing in the townhouse for a little while to rest up while Harry and Evelyn agree staying is riskier than setting off. The neighborhood had been crawling with beasts just a few days ago. Harry points out that they're probably comfortable in the area and have a camp or two with no intention of leaving.

Eventually, they all agree gang members, at the very least, will find that this home has been practically untouched. They will want a look around, and they will especially want the extra food Evelyn is unable to shove into either of their packs.

Overall, the situation isn't the best. Damned if they stay, damned if they leave. Both have cons equal to the pros. However, somehow they settle on heading out, potentially to find another temporary home. Harry doesn't mention to the others his plan on returning to the lab he'd been created, and Evelyn doesn't expect him to. He had seemed reluctant enough to tell her, so she can't imagine he thinks everyone else will accept his choice like she did. She can't imagine he really cares if they accept or not, truthfully, she knows he'll go anyways.

Shade and Buffy bring up another issue: their return to Micah. They're supposed to be reporting back by sundown. Evelyn can't tell if they're truly on her side or not, but they do ask what their story should be. Obviously not that Harry snuffed them out and they aided in a battle against their own for the sake of three humans. Or five if you count Evelyn and Locke.

Except Harry tells them to say exactly that.

Evelyn gapes at him. "Are you crazy?"

He shrugs. "If they tell him the truth, but add that they were trying to get on our good side for more information, I think he'd buy it as opposed to a completely false story."

She purses her lips. "Makes sense..."

She still can't quite bring herself to meet his eyes, or look remotely close to his face. Because of how close it had been to her own last night. Because some ridiculously foolish part of her almost wanted something to happen. What a story that would be to tell--Yes, honey, I was eighteen when I had my first kiss with a real life vampire-ish guy whose friends were trying to achieve world domination like some crazy sci-fi film.

It's cringe-worthy, honestly.

Stupid hormones.

Shade brings her back to reality by clapping his hands. "Right then. Should Buffy and I head out now or make Micah squirm a bit?"

Buffy raises his hand. "I vote to make him squirm."

While the three beasts (why does it feel odd for her to continue labeling them as such?) pursue their chatter of the perfect plan, Evelyn catches Sasha sitting on the couch, scowling down at her shoes. A sudden memory strikes her as she takes in the mud hiding the once glittery light-ups. Evelyn slips into the bathroom, snagging a spare rag before dipping a bit of her water from her canteen onto the cloth. She walks over to Sasha next, sitting cross-legged in front of her.

Sasha peers up, a confused frown on her face. "What are you doing?"

"I told you we'd clean up your shoes, didn't I? Let's see if they can still sparkle."

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